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"so i was thinking," jimin whispered, tugging on one of the many blankets he and taehyung were sharing.

"what were you thinking about?" taehyung glanced at the older, who was noticeably growing tired.

"yoongi," jimin said. "i kind of want to stop everything with him."

"kind of?"

"yeah," jimin sat up. "i want to stop the whole sex thing with him. but i also don't...because i may not see him after."

"stop it." taehyung said, "try and see if he wants to still be friends, if not...then just let him be."

jimin chewed on his lower lip before cuddling into taehyung. "okay."


yoongi walked through the door, wasting no time to pin jimin against the wall and start biting his neck. jimin's small hands pushed yoongi off, moving away.

"what's your problem?" yoongi scoffed.

"i," jimin swallowed the lump in his throat, looking at older he once loved. "i don't want to have sex with you anymore."

yoongi blinked, confusion running across his face. he shook his head, "wait, what?"

"i don't want to have sex with you anymore." jimin repeated, his voice coming out slightly louder.

" called me here to cut this off?" yoongi laughed, "why would you want to do that?"

"i'm tired of you using me!" jimin yelled. he ran a hamd through his hair, messing it up.

"you seemed to not mind before." yoongi mumbled. "are you really sure though, because..."

"because what?"

yoongi's lips turned up into a smirk, looking jimin in the eye. "because it's not everyday your crush asks you to have sex, right?"

"you knew i liked you?" jimin growled, about to continue before yoongi cut him off.

"of course, it wasn't that hard to figure out. hoseok was just the other who is too dumb to realize." yoongi chuckled. "plus, that's why i chose you, jimin-ah. i knew you'd say yes."

yoongi stepped toward jimin, only for the younger to shove him back angrily, "you disgust me, min yoongi. fuck you. don't ever talk to me again."

"one last time?" yoongi pouted. usually, jimin would have given in, but to find out everything yoongi told him, all jimin felt was anger- no admiration for the older.

"hell no! get out, i don't want to see you ever again." jimin yelled. he felt his face heating up and tears brim his eyes, but didn't let his guard down.

yoongi raked his eyes up and down jimin's body, before turning to leave with a small chuckle. "suit yourself, then."

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