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"so, we heard that taehyung finally got laid last night." namjoon spoke, leaning against the chair. taehyung hid his face as yoongi nodded sharply.

"yes." yoongi mumbled, taking a drink of his coffee. "it really wasn't that pleasant hearing jimin scream daddy all night."

taehyung's head flew up and namjoon began choking on his tea, the pink haired male looking at taehyung with wide eyes. "you have a daddy kink, taehyung?!"

"apparently." taehyung mumbled. "let's talk about something else."

"like what?" yoongi asked.

"uh," taehyung licked his lips. he pointed to a yellow vase that had some flowers in it, "those flowers. they're beautiful, aren't they? such bright, vibrant, lively colors, yes?"

"i'm almost tempted to leave him here to wait on jimin's shift to end alone." yoongi spoke, glancing at the youngest. "i have to leave soon anyways."

"why?" taehyung questioned, sitting his hand on his palm and looking over at yoongi.

"job interview. that one i applied for when i moved in with you and jimin turned me down.

"where is this one at?" namjoon asked, running a hand through his hair.

yoongi hummed, "a tattoo shop. it pays decently and i can draw pretty good, so why not."

"if i ever want a tattoo, i'll be sure to call you." taehyung teased, gently pushing the older. yoongi rolled his eyes, but had a small smile on his face.

"of course. i'll give you my special, the classic heart with 'mom' on it." yoongi teased taehyung back, before looking at the time on his watch.

"you still use a watch?" namjoon asked, his tone of voice teasing the older. "lame."

"says you," yoongi scoffed, looking at the watch on namjoon's wrist. he stood up, putting his bag over his shoulder.

"i never said it worked," namjoon said, "i only wear it for the aesthetic."

"right." yoongi said, "i have to leave, but i'll see you later."

after yoongi left, namjoon and taehyung spent their time cracking jokes, dissing yoongi, and watching their boyfriends behind the counter. or rather, taehyung watched jimin as he moved around the small shop, sneaking small smiles to him as he passed by.

"so, i was thinking of proposing to seokjin." the older sighs. he messes with a ring on his right hand, "we've been together for around seven years now, so it would be appropiate to propose, right?"

"i mean, yeah." taehyung shrugged, "i'd say it is. i don't know, i've only been in one relationship in my life, and it has only been two months. i'm no help at this."

"you're right." namjoon said, "but how should i do it? i don't know if i should be cheesy and go over the top with it or just say 'seokjin, will you marry me?'"

"does seokjin like cheesy things?" taehyung asked, taking a drink of his green tea.

namjoon nodded. "yeah. he loves them."

"then do that!" taehyung advises, nodding slightly. he sets his half empty cup down, smiling softly as he saw jimin walking their way, his apron off.

jimin sat down next to taehyung and kissed his cheek, "hi baby. what were you two talking about?"

"joon is going to propose to seokjin." taehyung mindlessly tells jimin, the brunette gasping and looking at namjoon.

"really?!" jimin asks, excitement lacing his voice.

namjoon blushed lightly and nodded. "yeah. jimin, you like clichés right?"

"uh, yeah." jimin happily nodded. "why?"

"because jin does too, so i want you, and taehyung, to help. i'll ask hoseok and jungkook if they want to, but i doubt jungkook will."

"yoongi won't," jimin said, "he hates romance."

"he said that?" namjoon asks, getting a nod from jimin. "that's funny, because he's the one who bought hoseok a huge bear and jewelry and chocolates for valentine's day."

"this year?"

namjoon nodded, "this year."

jimin cracked a smile, holding onto taehyung's hand. "i'm using that one against him."

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