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yoongi walked in later that night to see jimin and taehyung curled up on the couch together,  taehyung lightly rubbing jimin's knuckles as he slept. he sighed and put a slightly thicker blanket over the two after turning up the heat, the thin one they used currently was going to do nothing for them.

yoongi knows how big jimin's heart is. if jimin wasn't so kind and loving, he would be trapped in the cold right now, potentially catching hypothermia. he also knows if jimin's heart wasn't so big, he would have never given taehyung another chance.

jimin was living proof that there's still selfless people out in the world.

he shook his head and went to his room, ready to sleep.


"yoongi! yoongi! yoongi!"

yoongi woke up to both jimin and taehyung jumping on top of him, eventually falling down and cuddling him from either side. he groaned and sat up, pushing the two off, "what's wrong?"

jimin latched himself onto the older, "it's snowing!"


"you know, snow, the cold white thing that looks beautiful but is actual hell to deal with." taehyung sarcastically replied. he rolled off the side of the bed and grabbed yoongi's hand, pulling him off the bed, jimin doing the same.

"there's probably barely any out." yoongi groaned, standing up and yawning.

"look outside." jimin hummed.

yoongi glanced at him from the side and walked over to his window, pulling back the curtain just enough to see that every bit of their surroundings was completely submerged in snow. "holy shit."

"everything is closed today because the roads are too icy to be on," jimin was combusting with excitement, pushing yoongi toward the living room. "we're going to spend all day pigging out and watching movies!"

"don't you think this is something for just you and taehyung to do?" yoongi asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

"it was actually me who suggested you join..." taehyung sheepishly admitted, earning a small, but sleepy smile from yoongi.

"really?" yoongi asked, and taehyung nodded.

jimin pushed them onto the couch, "what are we waiting for?"

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