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taehyung gave jimin a few weeks to cool off and think things over, as he did himself. jimin, although he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to do so, did give him a chance. taehyung developed a new fear around yoongi; the small man seeming cute and harmless looked intimidating in his eyes now. if he was around the couple, the glares from yoongi didn't go unnoticed to taehyung.

maybe jimin had forgiven him even though he didn't want to, but that doesn't mean yoongi was still livid.

"be safe, alright?" taehyung whispered, hugging jimin tight and kissing his head before letting the older leave for work. thankfully, the bite mark didn't scar and healed fine.

"hey, yoongs." taehyung coughed, sinking down onto the couch opposite of the dark haired male.

yoongi's eyes flickered from his phone, to taehyung, lingering for a second before going back to his phone. "shut up, kim."

taehyung curtly nodded, watching whatever drama jimin had left playing on the tv. it was about a goblin, or something. he heard yoongi get up and he froze, the older scoffing. "i'm just leaving for work."

taehyung relaxed a bit, "right."


taehyung held jimin's hand in his as they walked through the park, their hands lightly swinging between them. taehyung let out a heavy sigh, and jimin looked up at him and nudged him.

"what's wrong, love?" jimin softly asked, his voice like honey. taehyung looked down at his boyfriend, his nose and cheeks bright red.

"i can't stop thinking about..." taehyung trailed off, pulling jimin off to the side to stop him from walking into a trashcan.

jimin pulled taehyung's bare hand up to his lips and kissed them gently, "it's in the past, tae. i forgave you, right? i love you, so much."

"i love you more, minnie." taehyung smiled warmly, feeling his entire body warm up from the small kiss jimin placed on his fingers.

"we should go home," jimin sighed. "your hands are really cold."


i'm not saying watch out for more updates but that's exactly what i'm saying; there's a 50/50 chance i'll update again

fun fact #1: this was originally supposed to end 20-30 chapters ago but as you can tell, i have other plans

fun fact #2: the sole reason i spam update is because of mere boredom. i get bored so i decide to update a bunch !! ur welcome

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