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"so, you and taehyung huh?" yoongi hummed, leaving small and light kisses on jimin's jaw, trailing down to his collarbones. jimin had his arms hooked around the older's neck, his head thrown back. he shivered when yoongi unbuttoned his flannel a but more, the cool air hitting his chest.

"there's n-nothing going on between tae and i." jimin groaned. "we're just friends."

yoongi bit down on jimin's neck, a high pitched moan emitting from the younger. "didn't look like nothing to me."

"taehyung and i are just friends,"

"whatever you say, jimin." yoongi sighed, slipping jimin's shirt fully off. "let's not focus on him, let's focus on just you and i."


taehyung watched yoongi walk out, his cheeks flushed and hair matted to his forehead. no surprise there. he waited until the front door closed and went upstairs to jimin's room. the door was cracked, and from what taehyung could tell, his room was dark too.

taehyung slowly opened the door, stepping inside. "chim, are you okay?"

jimin looked away from the window and pulled the dirtied sheets tighter around him. he gave taehyung a nod before answering. "i'm fine."

taehyung flipped on the light, looking at jimin's worn out figure. he sat on the edge of jimin's bed, reaching for his hand. "you need to give up on him, jiminie."

"i know," jimin looked at his hand that was now trapped safely in taehyung's, smiling softly at how well they seemed to fit. "i just...don't know how to put a stop to it."

"tell him in person or through text if you can't handle seeing him while telling him." taehyung shook his head, "this isn't good for you, peach."

jimin nodded. he sighed, feeling taehyung rub over his knuckles with his thumb.


jimin stared at the ceiling, contemplating on whether he really should stop everything with yoongi. taehyung - as well jungkook, when he pitched in his thoughts - had a point. jimin knew it would eventually make him hit an all time low if he didn't do something. but he was afraid yoongi would leave and never talk to him again. he didn't want that, but maybe it'd be for the better.

jimin felt something nudge his side, making him look at the source of the nudge. he saw taehyung with blankets and pillows, as well as a variety of junk foods on the table behind him. "move your butt, jiminie. we're gonna eat and watch movies until we can't anymore."

i was going to update while at the beach today, but i didn't have internet access sO
++ also, a couple days ago this was at 200 and now it's at 1.6K, i cannot express how thankful i am ♡

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