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"alright, since we've got that out of the way," namjoon said, closing up the discussion about finding yoongi a producer for the time being. "so, now the story of how you changed."

"i'll tell it." yoongi cleared his throat, "well, after hoseok and i broke up, i started to look for apartments. i figured the least i could do was let hoseok keep the apartment that he now rents under his name. i found a decent one, and after living there for, i don't know, a week? i got a call from a coworker of mine, or ex-coworker now, but they explained that our boss has passed and his daughter didn't want to inherit the business, so she let it go. that put us all out of a job.

and as you know, the first thing i did was drink. i used all of my money, and because of that, i couldn't pay any of my bills or rent, which led up to eviction. i couldn't find a job or anywhere to stay in time, so i just packed a bag with clothes and small things like my phone and charger and stayed on the streets. i stole food to eat and washed up the best i could in restaurant bathrooms."

yoongi took a breath before talking again.

"after i lost everything, i realized what alcohol and sex was doing to me. i lost my friends and my house. so i decided that once i, somehow, got back on my feet i would stop. and this is where jimin comes into play. i was in the middle of stealing crackers, when i bumped into jimin. when i told him...he forced me to come with him. and here i am."

seokjin sat next to namjoon, whose jaw was slightly dropped. his eyes flickered from yoongi to jimin and back again. "and this happened all in the time frame of a week...?"

"a few," yoongi said, "i just got a home, and then lost it along with my job within a week."

"i see." namjoon nodded. "so you're staying with jimin?"

"yeah." he nodded. "also, how is hoseok doing?"

"he's good, he's been hanging out with jungkook a lot lately." seokjin answered.

"yah!" jimin exclaimed, making taehyung flinch from the sudden noise, "so that's why that brat hasn't been answering my calls or texts."

"which one are you talking about?" taehyung joked, wrapping his arms around jimin's waist and inhaling his scent---the older smelled of coffee and sweet foods.

"jungkook," jimin muttered, "isn't that obvious?"

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