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a few hours later when taehyung and jimin got home, the younger pulled jimin into the kitchen. "we need to talk."

"about what?" jimin asked, confused. he leaned against the counter, looking at taehyung.

taehyung mirrored jimin's actions and licked his lips before speaking, "i don't want you around jungkook anymore."

jimin blinked, clearly taken aback. "what, why?"

"you were too close to him." taehyung said, "i didn't like how couple-y you two were being."

"everything between jungkook and i is completely platonic. hoseok didn't mind a bit, so why did it bother you so much?"

"because you should have been laying on me, not your ex." taehyung huffed, looking out of the window. his knuckles gripped the counter tightly, his knuckles white.

"wha-" jimin scoffed. "then you should have told me! neither of us would have cared."

"i don't want you falling for him again, and that can't happen if you stay away from him." taehyung hummed, diverting his attention to jimin.

"i'm not- i'm not going to fall for jungkook again, where in the hell are you getting this?" jimin asked, looking at taehyung closely to see any form of him hiding a smile or biting back a laugh. but he wasn't, he was completely serious.

"you looked cozy with him."

"he's one of my best friends, of course i would be!" jimin's voice gradually got higher. "do you not trust me? is that it?"


"who are you? this isn't the taehyung i know and love." jimin asked, turning to leave the kitchen. taehyung lunged forward and grabbed jimin tightly by the wrist, making the smaller boy cry out in pain.

"where are you going?" taehyung asked, his voice scratchy.

"don't know. somewhere away from you until you're in your right state of mind again." jimin mumbled.

"oh, to that little bitch jungkook? or are you going to fuck yoongi?"

"no!" jimin yelled, "what, you don't want me around yoongi now either?"

"what makes you think i ever did?" taehyung dryly laughed, tightening his grip. to say jimin was scared would be understandable, he was in a situation he never thought he would be in.

"just let me go." jimin growled, trying to pull out of taehyung's hold.

"no," taehyung slammed jimin against the wall, biting onto his neck. jimin cried out in pain, trying to move away but taehyung was too strong.

"t-tae!" jimin wailed, feeling a warm substance ooze out of the new mark on his neck. "st-stop! it hurts!"

"what the hell?" yoongi mumbled, hearing muffled screams outside of the apartment door. he balanced the food in one hand and unlocked the door with the other. he walked inside of the apartment, heading straight to the kitchen where he saw taehyung pinning jimin against the wall, the older of the two sobbing.

"y-yoongi p-plea-please h-help m-me." jimin sobbed. yoongi sat everything down before going over to the duo, pushing taehyung onto the ground and mouthing 'run' to jimin, who darted to his- now yoongi's- room without a second thought.


"so what happened?" yoongi asked, stroking jimin's hair as the younger tried to calm himself down.

"i don't know, we were fine. an hour after you left, seokjin, namjoon, hoseok, jungkook, taehyung, and i all met up at the park. everything was fine, and i was laying on jungkook. neither he, taehyung, or hoseok said anything so i thought it was fine."

"but what about..."

"...what happened in the kitchen? i don't know. when we got home he started going off about wanting me to stay away from jungkook. and you." jimin then motioned to the bandage on his neck, "and that's around the time he bit me and you came in."

"i'll make sure he doesn't come around you tonight. but you have to talk to him." yoongi said, pressing a kiss to jimin's head.

jimin sat up at the action, "yoongi..."

"i'm not going to try anything, i'm better than that now. i'm simply just trying to comfort you." yoongi truthfully answered, pulling jimin on top of him.

"thank you." jimin hummed.

"anything for a friend." yoongi answered.

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