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when jimin got home later that day, he expected to see taehyung curled up on the couch rewatching disney movies. instead, he saw him on the couch stirring a cup of tea and staring at the wall blankly.

"tae?" jimin asked, soft enough to get his attention. jimin set the bag of takeout on the floor, slipping off his shoes and coat. "i brought food."

taehyung looked back to see jimin, his cheeks red from the cold and his once orange hair was now a dark brown. he smiled lightly at the color change, "you dyed your hair."

jimin stood up straight and picked up the bag, a small blush creeping up his neck, "oh, yeah. the orange was fading. does it look bad?"

"no, it looks cute." taehyung sat his cup on the table in front of him and stood up, following jimin into the kitchen. "i love it."

"i don't know what you like, so i just got you the same thing as me." jimin mumbled, handing taehyung a cup of the chinese food he picked up.

they ate in silence, a drama playing on the tv. neither of them liked it, but it helped fill the empty silence in the room. as taehyung finished the last of his food, he put the empty container on the table and turned to jimin.

"i'm sorry," taehyung sighed.

jimin furrowed his eyebrowsin confusion and sat his empty container next to taehyung's, "for what?"

"uh," taehyung cleared his throat. "kissing you while drunk."

jimin moved from the spot on the floor he was in and sat next to taehyung, side hugging him. "we don't know which one of us started it, so let's not think of it too much."

taehyung nodded, pulling the smaller boy into his lap amd hugging him close, "alright."

"let's put it behind us. it's in the past." jimin mumbled. taehyung heard him sigh, "i missed your hugs."

"i missed you too, chim." taehyung whispered, his words muffled because of jimin's hair that still smelled fresh of dye.

i feel like the chapters keep getting shorter and shorter, i need to fix that.

i'm also very tired and waiting for day6's comeback,, ,,

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