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the next morning, jimin woke up to taehyung's arm wrapped around his waist, pressing him against the younger's chest gently. the sun poked through the curtains, casting over taehyung and jimin.

jimin smiled lightly, admiring the younger's messy hair and way his skin practically glowed against his white shirt. when taehyung started to stir, jimin snapped out of it, lightly blushing. what's wrong with him lately?

"oh, jiminie. you're awake." taehyung's voice was deeper than usual, making jimin's heart rate slightly pick up. "good morning."

"morning, tae," jimin yawned, leaning into taehyung more. taehyung slid a hand up jimin's shirt, rubbing his side.

the smaller of the two ran a hand through taehyung's hair and smiled, "you know, green would look good in your hair."

taehyung hummed, "you think?"

"i do." jimin nodded, "you wanna go bother jin at work and try to get free food?"

"i'm up for it." taehyung grinned.

"good, go get ready. you smell." jimin teased.


taehyung walked beside jimin, the urge to grab his hand growing as the minutes go on. last night was odd for jimin. all of the hugging seemed normal, but everything else didn't.

"we're here!" jimin jumped up and down happily, pulling the door open and holding it for taehyung. taehyung shook his head at jimin, smiling lightly.

when he walked in, the smell of coffee was overwhelming- in a good way. it always smelled good and mouth-watering. jimin was at the counter talking to namjoon, probably trying to convince him to give free food.

"i'll be your best friend," jimin sing-songed, leaning on his hands. namjoon stood up, "jinnie is my best friend."

jimin pouted and taehyung wrapped an arm around jimin's waist, "i don't mind paying."

jimin went to speak just as seokjin came out of the employee room, holding a light blue towel. "jin hyung!"

"oh, hi jimin. hi, tae." seokjin grinned, allowing jimin to throw himself onto the older. he wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulders, squeezing them tightly. "what are you guys here for?"

"i want free food," jimin sweetly smiled, looking up at jin.

seokjin began shaking his head, "of course. i can't give it to you for free, but i can half price."

"it works for me." jimin shrugged. taehyung ran his hand up and down, the older visibly shivering when his hand neared a ticklish spot on his sides.

jin went behind the counter, "what do you guys want?"

taehyung opened his mouth to tell seokjin their orders, but a voice stopped him. he saw a particular green headed boy walk out of the bathrooms, joking around with jin and the soaps.

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