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the  moment jimin walked into his apartment after returning from a quick trip to the store, the last thing he expected to see was taehyung holding onto a sobbing jungkook.  with obvious concern, jimin sat down the bag on the counter and didn't bother taking off his shoes nor jacket as he went and sat opposite to taehyung--each boy on either side of the younger.

"kook, what happened?" jimin rubbed his back and hugged him the best he could. the boy only sobbed harder, not able to give jimin a coherent answer. jimin looked at taehyung, hoping he knows what happened to jungkook to make him so weak and seemingly heartbroken. taehyung mouthed "yugyeom" to him.

after a few minutes of taehyung and jimin comforting jungkook, he decided that he was okay enough to explain what happened with yugyeom. he sat back with a shaky breath, the two on either side of him looking at him with a look of worry.  "i'm okay now," jungkook sniffled. "i can explain."

"stop at any point if you need to," taehyung softly told him, jimin agreeing. 

"don't push yourself." jimin added.

jungkook nodded and let out a shaky sigh before starting. "well, he wanted to go out for lunch. he said lunch date, so obviously i thought he meant an actual date and said yes. w-when i got there he was with some red-haired guy, bambam. i knew, then, it wasn't an actual ate so i just brushed off my disappointment. but that isn't what hurt me." jungkook sniffled. "he introduced bambam to me as his boyfriend of two years. he led me on and constantly told me he was single, i don't know what to do."

both jimin's and taehyung's blood was boiling by the time he was done. jimin knows exactly how jungkook was feeling - only yugyeom wasn't using the boy for his body like a certain someone.

"drop him." taehyung said. "get him out of your life before you get too attached."

"what taehyung said." jimin said, "don't get attached, whatever you do. it tears you apart. and jungkook, whatever you do, don't fall in love."

"it's too late for that." jungkook whispered.

taehyung and jungkook both hugged the sad boy between them. it was silent except for jungkook's soft sniffles before the second oldest spoke up.

"how about some drinks?"


ignore any mistakes, i wrote this on my computer for a change. i'm also deciding to ditch my ideas for yugyeom x jungkook (yugkook?) and doing hopekook instead. this is also a filler.

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