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the seven of them were together.

they were all at jimin's apartment. jin was leaning on namjoon, jungkook was laying on a couch by himself, hoseok was holding yoongi's hand (even though yoongi wouldn't hold his back) and jimin was sitting in between taehyung's legs on the floor, leaning against the couch jungkook was on beside yoongi and hoseok, taehyung's arms wrapped around his waist.

hoseok loved jimin's simple, lightly decorated, and seemingly colorless home. yoongi looked at jimin and saw how small he looked against taehyung, smiling as he talked to hoseok about something. yoongi also noticed the caring look taehyung had as he watched jimin. that was the way yoongi himself used to look at hoseok. but here lately, just the presence of the younger annoyed him.

jimin put his head on taehyung's chest and smiled. jin hit namjoon on the shoulder to get his attention and pointed at the two, whispering "they look cute together."

jungkook also took notice of this and lightly kicked the back of taehyung's head with his foot, getting a sharp look from the older. "get married already."

jimin blushed, "tae and i are only friends, kook. nothing more, nothing less."

taehyung tried not to frown. friends. he hated that word more than ever; especially with the way jimin used it. taehyung wanted to be so much more than friends, but it was clear jimin didn't. he only had his mind set on one person in particular, and he goes by the name of min yoongi. a being who was knowingly breaking jimin's heart and soon would hoseok's as well.

"what a shame," hoseok began. "you and taehyung would be cute together."

i agree, taehyung thought. but jimin doesn't.


"taehyung, what's wrong?" jimin asked for a fifth time, sitting on taehyung's stomach and not allowing him to get up. he, along with the rest of the group, noticed how taehyung went from happy and content to bothered when jungkook and hoseok mentioned the two being a couple. of course, jungkook, namjoon, and seokjin know why, but the other three were oblivious to why.

"nothing, jimin." taehyung sighed, "i'm fine." he flashed a boxy smile jimin loved- "see?"

jimin hit taehyung on the chest. "that's fake!" he huffed, crossing his arms. "i'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong."

that was something else taehyung loves about jimin, his pure heart. jimin was the type to drop everything and comfort someone no matter how long it took.

"i hope you're comfortable, then." taehyung said, "because i'm not saying a thing."

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