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"i'm going to take a shower." jimin hurried, leaving the kitchen with red cheeks and shaky breath. when he got into the bathroom, he stared at himself in the mirror, unable to decide if he should regret kissing taehyung. he let out a sigh, shaking his head before peeling off his clothes.

after jimin left the kitchen, taehyung stood in the kitchen with red cheeks as well. he still felt how soft jimin's lips are, as well the butterflies in his stomach. it almost seemed surreal.

instead of overthinking it, taehyung decided to clean up the kitchen, throwing away the empty containers and doing his best to get rid of the flour all over the floor and counters.

"you can go take a shower, i'll finish cleaning up." taehyung heard, seeing jimin with red cheeks and wet hair. taehyung smiled at the sight and threw away the paper towels he was using, "thanks, chim."

jimin nodded and got to work, picking up where taehyung left off.


"can we talk about earlier?" taehyung asked, sitting next to jimin and laying his head on the older's shoulder. jimin turned off his phone and looked at taehyung, nodding.

"what about it?"

"why did you kiss me?" taehyung asked. "i thought you didn't have feelings for me."

"i-i," jimin stuttered, his cheeks becoming red. "i don't know why i did. i guess it was a spur of the moment thing."

"do you regret it?" taehyung quietly asked.

"i don't." jimin smiled, turning to face taehyung. their faces were close, "do you?"

"not at all." taehyung whispered, planting a small kiss on jimin's forehead. "you're adorable when you blush, you know that?"

"shut up." jimin giggled, pushing taehyung back. they laid together, jimin's head on taehyung's chest and taehyung threading his fingers through jimin's hair. jimin was sure taehyung could hear his heartbeat from where he sat; it felt like it would fall out of his chest at any given moment.

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