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"what the fuck is wrong with you?" yoongi asked as soon as he saw taehyung the next morning, sitting at the kitchen island and staring blankly at the wall, eyes red from crying all night and lack of sleep. yoongi had called seokjin that morning to tell him what happened and that jimin wasn't in the right state to go in to work that day. "you always hated me for hurting jimin, but what i did was nothing compared to what your dumbass did last night."

"where's jimin."

"asleep." yoongi lowly mumbled. he looked over to taehyung and cleared his throat, speaking more clear. "what the fuck was that all about last night? you bit jimin, you terrified him last night. what happened to sweet, loving, bodyguard-slash-boyfriend taehyung?"

"i don't know." taehyung swallowed thickly. he refused to look at yoongi, the guilt in his chest weighing him down enough.

"that's not a valid answer." yoongi said, "you weren't drunk and...oh my god, you aren't on drugs are you?"

taehyung's head snapped up, his eyes wide. "no! god, no."

"then what was it?"

"i-i really don't know, yoongi hyung." taehyung felt tears form, "i want to blame it on jealousy...but jimin was right, i had no reason to be. i don't know."

"i don't want you around him, taehyung." yoongi spoke, "he agreed with me."

"what? but-"

"but nothing." yoongi growled. he bent down to eye level with taehyung, "think about it. jealousy does not make you lash out like that, that wasn't sane, taehyung. nobody tries to rip their partner's throat out with their own teeth like that."

taehyung nodded, his gaze falling on the counter below him. he spoke softly, "can you tell him i'm sorry, at least?"

yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but jimin cut him off as he came into the kitchen. "apology not accepted."

"so you forgive someone who used you as- as a sex toy for years, but can't forgive me for one fuck up?"

"i may have seen him as a sex toy months ago, but i merely see jimin as a little brother now." yoongi defended.

"using someone for sex and what you did is completely different, taehyung!" jimin says, slamming his hand onto the counter.

yoongi began pushing jimin toward the door, "jimin, go upstairs, i'll deal with him."

"i don't want him to leave me." taehyung sobbed, not caring if jimin heard or not---which he had. "i-i'm afraid he'll leave me for you or jungkook or anyone."

"i can assure you, taehyung, that biting him is the worst way to make him stay with you. give him some time, and talk it out." yoongi softly spoke.

taehyung nodded, wiping his tears. "okay."

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