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jimin sighed and stuffed his hands in his pocket. he and hoseok walked beside each other and were a bit far from the rest of the group. all of them worried about how it would go, especially taehyung.

"so what did you need to talk about?" hoseok broke the silence, looking over at jimin with a small smile.

jimin exhaled deeply before answering, staring at the ground as he spoke. "i just wanted to say i'm sorry."

"sorry?" hoseok asked. "for what?"

"you must not know then." jimin stopped walking, as did hoseok, and faced each other. "i sort of...helped yoongi cheat? he uh, he was always coming over know. i wanted to apologize."

"i had the feeling he was cheating," hoseok mumbled, "i knew you two weren't as close as he said. i've seen you two talk once."

jimin chuckled, "yeah."

"you loved him, right?" hoseok asked, "i won't get mad if you say yes. i'm sure you know i left him."

"i did. until he told me he knew about my crush and that he knew our affairs- could we even call them that?- were mentally hurting me, but didn't care because of the sex." jimin shook his head and laughed. "i can't believe it."

"it really doesn't surprise me." hoseok dryly laughed, "but i guess that's how yoongi is. i'm going to say this: even though i love him, dating him was the biggest mistake i have ever made."

"really?" jimin asked, "it was that bad?"

hoseok nodded. "yeah. at first, he was the best boyfriend you could ask for. we always went on dates, and cuddled, was picture perfect. but then he wanted to have sex one night, and i said no." hoseok paused before looking at jimin and continuing. "i'm assuming that's where you came in."

"i assume as well." jimin whispered. he turned his attention from the ground to the older in front of him, "so where does this put you and i?"

"friends?" hoseok asked.

"friends." jimin smiled.


"you're going to drop me- hoseok-!"

taehyung, as well as jungkook, namjoon, and seokjin, looked over to see jimin hanging off of hoseok's body as the taller ran, nearly dropping the small boy on his back multiple times.

"you two left walking a foot away from each other," seokjin began, "but came back with jimin fearing his life? what the hell happened over there?"

"we talked about yoongi," hoseok said, letting taehyung help jimin down. "and some other stuff."

"like?" jungkook egged on, a small smile making its appearance.

"nothing you need to know," hoseok winked.

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