Part 21

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Later that night there is a knock at the door. "Demi can you get that?" She nods and goes to answer the door. "You fucking bitch. I'm going to fucking kill you!" oh shit it's mar. I jump up and run to Demi and grab her right before she hits Mar. "Come in Marissa we need to talk." She nods and comes in closing the door behind her. Then she sits on the couch. Demi is trying to get out of my arms but I'm stronger than her. I kiss her neck a few times and she starts to calm down a bit. "So let's start with why did you fucking kiss Liz?" "Demetria calm down." I say in my "adult voice" that I use with children. She sits on my lap and plays with my fingers. "Look I'm sorry. I've wanted to do it for along time now but I knew Liz wasn't into me she always wanted you. When we were outside she looked so broken and I just couldn't stop myself. I'm so sorry." Demi shakes her head. "Sorry doesn't make anything better Marissa. I think you should stay away from me for a bit, and Liz because obviously you can't control yourself. This hurt worse than anything I've ever been through. I can't be around you for the time being good bye Marissa." Demi stood up. Mar looked at me helpless. "She's right Mar. I can't do anything now. You made your bed now lie in it. I'm sorry." I stood up as well and grabbed Demi's hand. Marissa nodded and walked out the door. As soon as it closed Demi broke down into tears.

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