Part 25

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I open the text message. "I know Demi said not to talk to her and that I should leave you alone to but come on Liz I have known you longer, I was there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on. Can you really blame me for falling in love with you? Please don't hate me I need you in my life PLEASE LIZ!" I sign Demi was right when she said she should leave us alone she is just gonna cause trouble for our relationship. But at the same time Mar is right she has been there for me whenever I needed someone. I'm so torn why is she doing this to me? I text her back, "Mar please just give me some time to figure things out. I know you have always been there for me but you also fucked up big time. So I just need time to think. I don't hate you and I know Demi doesn't either she is just hurt give her time too. Stay Strong Mar xo" This whole situation is going to drive me insane I really just need a break, I need the world to stop spinning for a few minutes so I can just take a breath. But it doesn't work that way so I gotta try and deal with this as best as I can. I turn and wrap my arm around Demi and hold her close to me and try my hardest to fall asleep. After about three hours of thinking about everything I finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I heard Demi on the phone. "I don't care what you have to say right now, you hurt me deep Marissa and I don't know if I can forgive you for this. You have done some shitty things to me but this? You know how I feel about her Marissa I fucking told you I was falling for her and what do you do? You fucking kissed her how could you do that to me. You are suppose to be my best friend, my sister but now I see how much I meant to you." Demi stops talking I'm guessing Mar is talking. "Bullshit Marissa don't even go there, you know HE kissed ME not the other way around so fuck you! I'm done with this I told you to leave me alone and you chose not to so now I will make sure you do. I do not want to speak to you again. IF I happen to forgive you for this it won't be for awhile. Goodbye Marissa." Then Demi hung up the phone and quietly cried to herself

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