[Oneshot] Congratulations,

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—•Next Dare Coming Soon!•—

Pairings: Implied Zreslie (Ashlie9596 X Zres)

Characters: Zres, FrozenGargon, Ashlie9596 (Mentioned)

Genre: Drama

Game: N/A

Song: Congratulations {Hamilton}

AU: Hamilton AU

Description: If you watch Hamilton you get the back story (If you don't dO IT NOW. Someone explain the backstory for me in the comments I'm too lazy) Tommy is Angelica, Zres is Hamilton, and Ashlie is Eliza.

Warnings: Gonna be some roasted ham.



Nick was at his desk, looking down as he was writing on paper with his quill. He sighs, stopping and leaning back on his chair. Looking up at the ceiling, the door slams open, making Nick jump and sit back down normal on his chair.

"Hello...." A male voice spoke, Nick's eyes softened

"Tommy..." Nick stood from his chair, looking at Tommy with a sad expression. Tommy was looking down, wearing the same suit he wore to Ashlie and Nick's wedding. His eyes were narrowed and his lips were curved into a frown, his arms hung by his waist formally.

"Nick..." Tommy spoke in a soothing tone. He then lifted his head and looked at him with a scowl planted on his face.

"Congratulations." He states plainly, he took a step forward, "You have invented a new kind of stupid." He insulted, "A damage you can never undo, kind of stupid. And open all the cages in the zoo, kind of stupid. Truly, you didn't think is through? Kind of stupid." He spat, Tommy put his two fingers on his forehead. Nick curled his hands as he walked around of his desk. His quill still in his hand.

"I..." Nick began to speak, but a lump in his throat strained him to, either way Tommy ignored him

"Let's review, you took a rumor of few maybe two people knew." Tommy spat, he waved his hand from his face and held up one then two fingers, "And refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!" Tommy stomped his foot down, his eyes shut as he shook his head, Nick looked down shamefully.

"I begged you to take a break." Tommy continues, "You refused to!" Nick flinched as he looked to the side, his hands trembling as he grips his quill even more,

"So scared of your enemy will do to you. You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to!" Tommy stomped forward, Nick stumbled back.

"You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?" Tommy asks, Nick glances up, "He doesn't dignify the school yard taunts with the response!" Nick blinks away the tears that were forming on his face, he bit his bottom lip.

"So yeah!" Tommy snaps, "Congratulations!" Tommy stops breathing heavily, his expression softens, turning his head to the side as Nick stands in front of him with a shamed yet shocked expression

"Tommy..." Nick whispers softly, he extends his hand out to him but Tommy slaps it away as it approaches his shoulder, his expression turned back to Nick with a scowl

"You've redefined you legacy, congratulations!" Tommy said with a sarcastic tone.

"It was an act of political sacrifice!" Nick throws back, Tommy flinches and stares at him a long moment. His hands shook as they slowly turned into fists, tears welled up in Tommy's eyes, he avoided Nick's gaze.

"Sacrifice?" Tommy questioned, "I languished in a loveless marriage in London. I lived only to read your letters..." He confesses, Nick blinks as he grit his teeth, looking down once more.

"I look at you and think "God what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?" Tommy continued, his tone softened as Nick gulps down the lump in his throat.

"That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away..." Tommy's voice began to grow stronger, "But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay! And you know what I'm here to do?"

"Tommy..." Nick took a step forward, extending his arms out to hug Tommy, only to be shoved back.

"I'm not here for you..." Tommy remarked, Nick frowns as he sighs, "I know my sister like I know my own mind!" Nick flinched as Tommy mentioned her.

"You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind!" Tommy snarled, taking steps towards Nick, "And a million years ago she said to me, "This ones mine..." Tommy's voice slowly went down to a whisper, a small smile forming on his lips as he looked away from Nick for a moment, before averting his gaze back at Nick.

"So I... Stood by.." Tommy continued, "Do you know why?!" Nick gulped as he slowly shook his head, Tommy scoffed.

"I love my sister more than anything in this life!" Tommy yelled, "I will choose her happiness over mine every time!" Nick saw the tears that ran down Tommy's face behind his smiling mask.

"Wh... Who—"

"Ashlie!" Tommy cried out, extending out her name as he took another step towards Nick, gripping the collar of his suit as he yanked Nick towards him

"Ashlie..." Nick muttered, Tommy shoved him away, making his back hit the edge of the desk. Tommy turned around, turning his head towards him.

"Is the best thing in our lives!" Tommy yelled out, Nick leaned against his desk as his legs felt like giving up, his hand gripping the edge of it, his grip was strong.

"So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife!" Tommy cried, not caring if the tears was already dripping off his face. He stopped, his chest moving forward and back as he took deep breaths

"Congratulations..." Tommy told Nick in a cold tone, "For the rest of your life."

Nick took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes, putting them back on with his eyes turning slightly red.

"Every sacrifice you make is for my sister! Give her the best life..." Tommy stated, he turned around and grabbed Nick's quill, smashing it between his hands.

"Congratulations." Tommy then rose his hand, striking Nick across the cheek, turning his heel and leaving through the door, slamming it shut, Nick flinched at the loud noise

Nick didn't say a word, he stood where he was. Tears leaked out of his eyes as he looked down at the smashed quill on the ground, then back up at the door. He placed a hand on the red mark on his cheek as his shoulders began to shake.

"I'm...." Nick stammered, his voice shaky and on the verge of cracking, "I'm so sorry...."

He sunk to his knees, letting go of the desk and resting in his legs, crying into his hands.

"I'm... Sorry."



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