[Oneshot] LoveSick.

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—•"Just a little more sweetheart.."•—

Pairing(s): FrozenBeans, NewScapeCheezy, Rikomics, Zron.

Characters: Ashlie9596, CheezyBreezi, DawnOfRiku, FrozenGargon, JonJon, NewScapePro, UNiCOMiCS, Zres.

Song: N/A

Game: N/A

AU: LoveSick AU

Inspired By: MajestyDreemurr

Description: After Tommy crashed into Nick after Dawn had picked the wrong potion, Nick spilled the pink potion all over Bri, Uni, Tommy and himself. Of course in concern, the others tried to help them but to only find them in.. A weird state.

Notes: Follow MajestyDreemurr because I got this idea from them so yeh. Oh goodness I'm a multishipper. Also the idea might be different from Majesty's because I changed it up a bit, I hope you don't mind Majesty.

oh and that NSFW book... Yeaaahhh I think that's not going to work out-- I'll just warn you guys in the title and I'm hoping you guys wouldn't skip the warnings.

Also! If I am allowed to, the next chapter would most likely be Tomshlie. So, ye the out for that.

Warnings: N/A



That potion.

That damned potion was what caused all of this.

"Dawn, did you get the potion I asked for?" Nick asked as Dawn approached him with the pink potion in his hand. The blue half-robot nodded as he handed the potion to the scientist, Nick nodded as a thank you towards the half-robot before he looked at his friends who were either working or messing around.

"Hey Nick!" Jon exclaimed, bounding up to the slightly shorter man with his same usual enthusiastic grin that managed to put a smile on everyone's face. Nick returned a small grin as he held the potion in his hand which of course Jon had noticed, "Ooh, what's the potion?" Jon asked as he had reached out towards it. Nick pulled it away before Jon could have his hands on it.

"Ah ah ah!" Nick said, "Don't touch it, it is for my new science project and hopefully Dawn didn't mix it up.." Dawn hummed in the background as he nodded. Jon opened his mouth and nodded, closing it and beginning to walk away towards his other friends,

"Alright, see ya!" Nick waved after the jester,

"See ya Jon!"

Soon after, Bri walked towards Dawn and Nick with Uni trailing behind her.

"Heya Nick!" Bri greeted, waving as she held a clipboard in her hands with goggles placed on her forehead. Nick returned the wave and waved at Uni as well who seemed busy with planning out the blue-print with the new potion.

"Hey Bri," Nick said, "Have you seen Cory?" He asked with a rather teasing tone as he looked around for a certain camera-faced man. Bri's face heated up as she sheepishly scratched the back of her head,

"W-Well yeah but--" Bri hummed as she heard two doors slide open along with a person walking through them, she gasped and pointed, "There he is!" She said, "Hey Cory!" Cory looked up from his phone and looked at Bri, a small smile curving onto his lips as he continued to walk to his lab station.

Nick turned and saw Cory, he nodded as he turned to Dawn but saw him no longer at his side but chatting with Uni. shrugged and looked at his potion.

"Good thing Jon didn't get ahold of this.." He mumbled to himself.

Suddenly a scream was heard echoed through out the lab along with a yell,

"TOMMY!" Ashlie yelled as Tommy scrambled away from shorter redhead while laughing hysterically,

"NICK SAVE ME FROM ASHLIE!" Tommy begged as he crashed into him, causing Nick to gasp as his grip on the potion slipped and flew into the air above him, Tommy, Bri, Uni and Dawn.

Uni can't sight of the potion flying and out of panic he shoved Dawn out of the range of the potion. Dawn let out a noise of shock as he stumbled back and fell, falling against Ashlie who was chasing after Tommy but has backed away.

The potion exploded, pink dust flew everywhere and completely surrounding Nick, Uni, Tommy and Bri as they let out yells of shock and fear.

Everyone in the lab froze and went silent as the pink smoke continued to spread into a shape of a cloud.

Jon gasped and ran forward along with Cory as Ashlie pushed Dawn to his feet, all four of them stood by as they watched the pink smoke slowly fade. They all were silent but hoping they were all alright.

"Ow.." They heard someone groan. The four let out a sigh of relief, knowing that at least they were okay enough to actually talk.

The pink smoke completely disappeared and four other figures either laid or sat on the ground, their eyes clamped shut. Tommy's mask was about to fall off, Uni's blueprint was nowhere to be seen, Bri's goggles were no longer on her forehead but now on the ground next to her and Nick's glasses hung off his face.

Ashlie, Cory, Dawn, and Jon all went over to the others in great concern.

Little did they know however.. They were in for a treat.

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