[Oneshot] First Time Cuddles

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—•Next Dare Coming Soon!•—

Pairings: Tomon (FrozenGargon X _JonJon_)

Characters: FrozenGargon, _JonJon.

Genre: Fluff

Game: N/A

Song: N/A


Description: Jon has never been cuddled before. Tommy practically flipped out when he found out.

Warning: 3fluffy5u

Note: For my Dares and Asks, I apologize for my lack of Dares/asks since I've been working on them and they're super different from these oneshots, and now once I think about it, I haven't received any Asks and Tells... Or... Words... Or whatever you say. But once again, I apologize.


It was the afternoon, everyone was awake

"We'll be back soon guys!" Cory called to Jon and Tommy, Ashlie, Nick and Uni behind him as they went out the front door, "If we don't come back, we'll probably be at Disney land!" They were going to the grocery store to get steak for dinner tonight, Jon smiled and waved

"Don't be making out when we come back!" Ashlie teased, Nick and Uni snickered as Tommy rolled his eyes

"How do you expect me not to when we're alone?" Tommy mumbled incoherently.

"See ya!" The door slammed shut, it was deathly silent in the mansion. Tommy pulled out a book from a shelf beside the couch they were sitting on

"Hey Tommy?" Jon says, Tommy lifts his head from the book, not noticing he was looking at it upside down.

"Mhm?" Tommy hummed, Jon was looking at his hands as he twiddled his fingers nervously together.

"I... Umm—Since we're, ya know.... Boyfriend and boyfriend... Do you think, we can do stuff I've never done before?" Jon asked, Tommy tensed up as he turned his head nervously, his lips curving into a nervous squiggly line as sweat ran down the side of his face, he cleared his throat as he adjusted his mask.


Tommy put the book back on the shelf, still oblivious to the fact he was looking at it upside down. He sat up straight and glanced at Jon every so often, who was still nervously twiddling his fingers together. Tommy looked down at his lap while his hands were pushed against couch cushions with a lot of pressure.

"I-I'm not su-sure.... Jon... I–uhh—" Jon let out a sigh, cutting Tommy off.

"I knew you wouldn't want to cuddle with me..." Jon mutters, Tommy immediate perks his head up

"Yo-You never cuddled with someone before?" Jon shakes his head in response. Tommy gasps dramatically

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?" Tommy practically yells, Jon shrugs

"This is my first relationship after all..." Jon chuckles, Tommy sighs and pats the space on the couch next to him, a warm smile replacing his nervous one.

"I'll teach you.... I did have a few lessons with a pillow..." Tommy mutters



Tommy and Jon stared at each other before they both awkwardly cleared their throats, Jon scooted over to Tommy.

"Now, first things first, you want to give your lover, which is me," Tommy winks, Jon smiles and rolls his eyes, "A sign that you want to cuddle without using words." Tommy explains, Jon nods. Tommy switched sides on the couch with Jon. So now Jon was the one closer to the arm of the couch, Tommy let's out a small hum as he lifted his arm up and wrapped it around Jon's shoulders, pulling him into a close embrace, Jon leans his head to the side a bit and rests it on Tommy's shoulder.

"So... Like this?" Jon asks, Tommy chuckles and nods.

"Yeah.... Now do you want to be the big spoon or the small one?" Jon shrugs

"Don't know what either of those is..." Jon shrugs, Tommy sighs

"You're hopeless sometimes..." Tommy glances at Jon, who gave him an innocent smile.

"I'm a hopeless romantic..." Tommy chuckles

"True.... But a big spoon is the one who likes nurturing the small spoon, basically they like comforting and holding..." Tommy explains, "And the small spoon is the one who likes to be nurtured, so basically they like being comforted and held." Jon nods, Tommy leans to the side a bit, Jon follows and eventually lays the arm of the couch, he turns towards Tommy as Tommy turns towards him. Tommy was personally close to him, the sunlight radiated against them. Tommy's shadow was covering Jon, Tommy looks to the side as if he was thinking

"Now, usually this is the part where you just cuddle, but for some you like to have a little laugh..." Tommy smiles, Jon wraps his arms around Tommy's neck

"So... Like, it's an extra step the new cuddle people?" Jon asked, Tommy nodded, he shuffled closer to Jon, his chest was brushing against Jon's every time they breathed.

"Basically, yeah..." Jon wrapped his legs around Tommy, letting out a small giggle. Tommy tensed a bit as a blushed crept up on his cheeks, he looks to the side. He laughs,

"You're too adorable..." Tommy tells Jon. Jon shrugs

"I know..." Tommy looks back at Jon, he briefly kisses his forehead, his mask brushed against his forehead as he briefly kisses his lips, he pulls Jon towards him. Lifting his back up from the arm rest and resting him on the soft cushions, Tommy laid himself on him gently. Jon grunted slightly

"Sorry!" Tommy quickly apologized, hearing his grunt. Jon shook his head

"Nah, it's fine... Just, wasn't really expecting you to lay on me..." Jon chuckles gently, Tommy rests himself on Jon

"Are you okay?" He asked, Jon didn't respond

"N-Not really..." Tommy frowned, "Is this how you cuddle?" Tommy shook his head.

"Cuddling is where you feel comfort and safety, discomfort isn't cuddling..." Tommy lifts himself up from Jon and lifts him up once more. Tommy goes underneath Jon, slowly resting Jon on his chest. Jon sighs in content as he hears Tommy's steady heartbeat. It wasn't fast, showing that he wasn't nervous, it was normal, showing that he felt comfort and love with Jon.

"So, this is the final step..." Tommy whispered in a soothing voice, Jon's eyelids began to grow heavy, "Now, you just want to enjoy your lovers presence and enjoy the moment while it lasts... Remember all the moments you've gone through together..." Jon shuffled to Tommy as close as he can, his hands curled into a fist on Tommy's chest as Tommy had his hands on Jon's back, Jon's legs between Tommy's as his finger traced circles on his chest

"Tommy?" Jon called, Tommy made a lazy hum, letting out a yawn.


"I've never seen you without your mask..." Jon looked up at Tommy, Tommy glanced at him before signing. He lifted his hand off Jon's back and reached towards his mask. Jon stopped him

"Wait!" Jon says, "C-Can I do it?" Tommy hesitates a little, he smiles and nods.

"Sure..." Jon let's out a small excited gasp as his hands reached out for Tommy's mask. He slowly lifts it off his face, Jom stares at Tommy's unmasked face

"You..." Jon gulps, blushing a bright red

"I look different?" Tommy guesses, Jon nods

"Yeah..." Jon agrees, "But you still look like the Tommy I love."

Tommy chuckles a bit, grabbing the mask from Jon and slipping it back on. Jon continues to cuddle Tommy

"This was nice..." Jon mutters, slowly closing his eyes, Tommy agrees, one arm on Jon's back and the other thrown over his face. Tommy let's out a contented sigh as he slowly dozes off into his dreams

This was fine.

It was nice.

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