Amazing Salah story

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One of the children of Zubair bin Awwam had a sickness of some sort where his leg needed to be amputated.
The doctors suggested that he get drunk so to, lessen the pain he would feel.

Urwah ibn Zubair refused to do so, but suggested that they wait to amputate until he started his prayer.
This was because of the concentration, he was able to achieve in his salah.

The doctors did as they were told.
When Urwah ibn Zubair started his prayer, they then amputated his leg, successfully; but urwah fell uncouncious after the salah.

During that time, one of his sons was killed. When Urwah ibn Zubair awoke, people had come to console him about his son and his leg.

Urwah ibn Zubair answered by saying,

"Alhumdullilah, Allah gave me four limbs, He took one away but I still have three left. Allah has been so generous to me.

Allah gave me four sons, took one and I still have three. Allah is so generous towards me."

This was a great lesson about the level of concentration one must have while performing salah.

There was also a lesson that one must always be, thankful to Allah.

Jazak Allah khair!

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