Chapter 11: Confused

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I wake up a little confused, forgetting where I am. My heart beat slows once I realize I'm still sitting at the desk. Dammit, I fell asleep. How could I let myself, I don't even know if shadow man appeared last night. I lean my head against the desk, contemplating my life and what to do. I feel like I'm going backwards, not finding any answers; will I ever find answers? My thoughts are interrupted when I hear knocks at the door. I stand up quick, walking to the entrance of my room, waiting to see if Drew or Lisa will answer the door. It seems like they aren't here. I don't hear the knock anymore, but wait a few minutes just in case.

My eyes widen when I hear a tapping noise coming from the window behind me. I freeze, too scared to move. Ok I'm inside, I'm safe in here, right? The tapping turns into window knocks, I turn around quick, but keep my eyes closed. I can hear the blood rushing to my ears. I peek open one eye and I see Sawyer standing there annoyed. He's holding up my bags of clothes. I let out a long held breath and lean against the desk relieved. I didn't think Sawyer would be here and my brain automatically went to the knocks maybe being shadow man. Sawyer knocks again louder this time.

"Hurry the hell up and open the door." I hear Sawyers muffled demand. I give him my index finger indicating for him to wait, since I haven't quite calmed down from that scare. But he just continues to knock. I glare at him and how impatient he is and head towards the front door. I unlock the door and Sawyer doesn't wait for me to open the door, he just barges right in. He walks past me to the spare bedroom. I follow after him annoyed that he's here, when I could have had these clothes yesterday.

"You scared the poop out of me." I say and poke his arm. He ignores me, and walks near my bed, dumping the bags on the bed. I hear him snort at my remark. Why do I even bother.

"Uh what time is it?" I ask in hopes he would answer. I see him look at his phone, and I smile.

"1:30" he says not looking at me. What? I slept that much? I guess I really was that tired. I wasted half a day. I'm a little annoyed with myself and can't help but feel like I'm wasting time.

"Thank you for dropping off my clothes and all, but you could leave now." I say waiting for him to leave. Sawyer starts to look around the room, examining everything. He moves to the desk and looks around, my eyebrows crease in confusion.

"What exactly are you doing?" I walk towards him wanting an answer. I look at his face, his eye brows are knit into a frown and his eyes are so focused. I hear him whisper incoherently, I strain my ears trying to make sense of what he's saying, but failing.

"Shit." He says to himself, what is he doing?

"Are you okay?" I walk closer. He looks around one more time before he looks at me.

"Hungry?" He asks turning to me, I'm still confused with what he just did. I'm a little hungry, but he's scaring me and I keep my distance.

"No." I say, he eyes me as though his bullshit meter is ticking in the red zone. I look away and walk to the living room in hopes that he will leave. When I hear his heavy steps behind me I smile. Once I'm in the living room my stomach growls loud. I look at him worried he's heard the growl and his eyes lock with mine.

"Have you eaten?" Sawyer runs his hands through his messy hair. He heard my stomach no point in denying, I'm sure there's food here.

"I'm taking that long pause as no." I hate that he knows and can tell right away when I'm lying. I sigh in defeat.

"Lets go." He says, walking to his car. He doesn't even give me a chance to get ready.

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