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September 10th 1945
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Conscious Jones."

A new girl walked down the aisle of the tables where four of the Hogwarts houses sat. All heads turned to her. She was the last one to be sorted into a house at Hogwarts.

She was a transfer. It was rather rare for students to transfer into Hogwarts , especially so late into the school year. Causing most students to become quit curious of this girl.

She walked towards the stool and sat looking upon her future classmates. A witch hat was placed upon her head, now known as the Sorting Hat. It began to mutter to itself, digging into her mind.

"Conscious Jones. Yes yes , a pure blood. My you hold great power and strength. Perhaps Gryffindor. Could strengthen your courage. But courage's comes with wit and cunningness. It better -

Slytherin!" The old hat yelled out.

A roar of cheers came from the Slytherin table. She looked over at the table which shined in green, before moving towards her new house. Green now becoming her colour during her school years. Headmaster Dippet continued his speech as Conscious took a seat right across from the a group of boys, similar to her age she assumed n

She was greeted by a few students near her but she said nothing but a small smile before rolling her eyes. It wasn't her choice to attend this school for learning. She had a little tolerance for people. She was raised in a small village with no more then fifty people. She had no desire for friends she never had them. One of the boys in the group she sat across noticed her attitude which made the sides of his lips curl up slightly. It entertained him, seeing this new student already fit into the Slytherin ways. She looked at the table as food appeared but only ate the pumpkin pie. She kept her head down mostly until she heard a voice in front of her.

"Is that all your eating?" She looked up at the boy not sure if he was addressing her or not. She ignored him before returning to her pie. The small group of boys next to him gave him glances clearly confused as to why he was talking to the girl.

"Do you not like to talk?" The boy asked yet another question.

She kept a blank face not amused, realizing he was speaking to her. She could feel eyes on her , making her shift slightly not liking the sudden attention this boy gave her.

His smirk grew slightly. "Tom. Tom Riddle."

He extended his hand for her to take it.

"Tom Riddle, it's a pleasure to meet you." She spoke finally. Ignoring his hand gesture though.

"The pleasure is all mine Conscious Jones."

So i've decided to write my version of how Tom Riddle become Voldormort. I had recently seen a fan made trailer of the up coming fan made movie and just sparked something for me to write something since i am a little bit of a geek when it comes to Harry Potter. Anyways i hope you enjoy! 

june 20, 2024 note
hello all i am writing another can fiction book on AO3 but i will not be posting ANY harry potter content on there. i am not switching to AO3 either but having two separate platforms; on AO3 i will be writing about the attack on titan universe and on wattpad i will continue any harry potter universe

please check out my new book!

Wings of Desire by almondsnmilk - Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan https://archiveofourown.org/works/56795326

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