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Christmas Eve was upon them and after Tom had fallen asleep Conscious placed her gift for Tom under the Slytherin tree. She walked back to his room to see him awake, sitting up with a frown. Conscious jumped a bit not expected for him to be awake.

"Where'd you go?"

"To the common room I had to place your Christmas gift under the tree." Conscious replied hopping back in bed. "Why are you up?"

"You didn't have to get me anything love." Tom smiles slightly. "Also I'm Tom Riddle. I know when my girl isn't next to me."

She giggled as he wrapped an arm around her. "I'm no longer tired though."

"What do you want for you're birthday Tom?" She asked suddenly.

"What has gotten into you and celebrating so much?" He teased.

She pouted slightly. "I like holidays."

"I truly don't, I don't see the point of it. So no more gifts Conscious." Tom said.

"If you say so." She hummed leaning into him. Obviously she would do something, she's a child at heart anything to do with gifts, celebrations any of that made her more than happy. "Besides it's Christmas Eve, get in the spirit!"

Tom rolled his eyes slightly. In the orphanage Christmas didn't exist so he had no reason to start to care now about a silly holiday for children.

"Christmas is just another day."

"To you maybe." Conscious laughed. "Oh it's been nice just you and I Tom. No worries no school nothing just us."

He nodded in agreement, it was nice to relax a bit more but it didn't stop Tom from planning. He never did. Once school started he planned to start training the boys making them into fighters and loyal members to him.

"I want to be the most powerful wizard of all." Tom confused.

"That you shall Tom." Conscious said taking his hand, lacing their fingers.

"I'm recruiting worthy students to join me, to aid me in my success. 'The Knights of Walpurgis', so far it consist of six fellow Slytherin who have shown great loyalty and can provide me with certain needs." He explained. "And I want you join me. I can make you the princess of darkness, a name everyone shall bow down to."

She smirked. "Oh Tom, people already bow down to me." She stood up and turned to the fire "I shall gladly join you, I can train these followers with magic beyond knowledge make them warriors if needed. Or perhaps almost as strong as you, of course no one shall ever be more powerful then Tom Riddle."

He stood as well standing behind her, bring his arm under hers as he moved it up allowing her left forearm to be exposed. "The snake you drew darling, let that be our symbol of commitment, to have it a sign of true loyalty."

She faced him with eyes dancing with darkness.

"But of course."

That night, Tom had used the drawn of Conscious to give her the Dark Mark. She was the first and he couldn't have been more pleased with how easy he could convince the girl to join him. To give up everything to help him. He felt an odd pain of guilt through.

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