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"How stupid are you?"

Zevi completely missed the target. He held fear in his eyes, yet trying to keep a still face.

"I-I my hand twitched." He stuttered.

Conscious finally looked at his direction from the target she was blazing into. "I-I is what is going to get you killed. Do you think anyone would look at you as a fighter."

She inches closer to him. "You think people will shake in fear when they hear the name Zevi? You think anyone is going to believe you are something worthy enough to fight along Tom?" She taunted him.

Zevi swallowed. He wanted to be something powerful. He wanted to be great. He felt pathetic- as he should be being in last year he should be able to at least come near the target. Red grew to his face in embarrassment. Conscious signed and moved back, scaring or degrading them isn't how they would learn she wasn't Tom.

Tom left the class for her alone today as he had other plans to attend to. Of course not telling anyone what or where he would be. Conscious couldn't wrap her head how these are the boys Tom has so much faith in when they can barely cast a spell without messing up.

"I meant what I said. Study. Practice. Mistakes happen but you must learn from then now." she sighed.

She grabbed her wand and made the boys line up in front of her. "Point the wand straight."

They mimicked her raising their wands in her direction. "Good now raise it slightly, more like having it into a flick position."

They followed.

"Now cast!"

Six flashing lights came flying at her before hitting the shield she raised causing the room to boom. She smiled.

"Excellent! Again! Practice the formations practice saying each spell aloud until you feel confident without saying them."

Abraxas, Zevi, Avery went into one trio as the others into another. Conscious stood with her friends and aided them were needed- Abraxas trying to show off as usual.

"Brax, no need to show off skills. We aren't here to brag we're here to learn." Conscious laughed.

He rolled his eyes with arrogance. "Learning can be so boring, making it fun is always better."

"This group wasn't built for fun." Everyone stopped and turned to the voice that just spoke. Tom standing by the door arms crossed, a scowl on his face.

Abraxas stood upright shifting his eyes slowly to Toms direction. Conscious- along with the others did the same action turning towards him. Not expecting him to have joined them.

Abraxas was about to speak when Conscious cut him off. "We're well aware of this, you can sure i've only been hard with them."

Tom kept his gaze on Abraxas. "Seeing the smiles on their faces - clearly you haven't made them strong."

She crossed her arms. "It's not just something that will happen over night. It takes time and they've improved just more work needed and practice."

"We don't have forever. I need them to have it done by now!" His voice rasing slightly. "In fact let's see how good you've 'made them'."

Conscious frowned slightly, but uncrossed her arms and ordered the boys to form a line.

Tom interrupted. Again. "No. Against me. Seeing as you seem to believe they're good let's see."

The boys looked at one and another. They knew none of them stood a chance against Tom, but they also couldn't say no. It would prove him they weren't capable. This was a lose lose situation.

Conscious's lip twitched. "I highly doubt you duelling them will prove anything. I've trained them to protect and fight for you. Not the other way around. And you left me in charge of them and I say this is completely useless."

"We aren't as strong as you Tom." Abraxas said. "We'll take this more seriously, you're right fun isn't power."

Tom didn't even glance at him, keeping his eyes hard on Conscious. "Leave. All of you, review and practice and we meet here tomorrow evening again after dinner."

They left which questions asked and Conscious sighed loudly. "Fear isn't power either Tom."

"If you aren't capable of this i'll train them. I need fighters not friends." He retorted.

She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him, she could feel like stress on him. He didn't move to touch her, something he did a lot. He would react sometimes not always, love was foreign to him. Being conceived under a love potion made love hard for him.

"We all know how powerful you are Tom." She mumbled kissing his neck slightly. He hands soon found their way onto her sides gripping it slightly.

"You will be great, greater than any wizard who's walked this Earth." She continued trailing small pecks upon his neck and jaw. His breath hitching, gripping tightening.

"Conscious." He breathed out, making space between them. She frowned slightly asking what was wrong. They've never really become - intimate before , and it was Toms well first time. It was a feeling he didn't understand making him feel off.

"Tom, they are getting better. I can assure you of that they've done quit well in my opinion. Soon they will be almost as good as well." She reassured him.

He hummed in response, moving his hands to her cheeks. "Time is running thin love. We must plan for what happens after here as well." She nodded.

"Any ideas."

"Some." He pondered, not sure if he should disclose his thoughts yet. "You will know soon."

"Why not now?" She said giving him a small smile.

"Soon." His voice firm. She rolled her blue eyes in annoyance.

"I cannot tell if you are more closed then a book or if you're just to shy."

He cocked a brow. "Excuse me." He didn't understand her metaphor of a sort. More closed then a book? He has been open to her, more than to himself if he had to admit.

She shrugged. "You ask details of my life and I share them, why not you?"

"My life doesn't have much to say."

"Everyone has a story Tom." She laughed.

He stayed silent. He's life, well it was unique you could say. Raised and tortured by muggles as a child wasn't easy to just say. Not that it effected him, he just rather not look at that side of him, the weaker side. Letting filthy muggles make his life living hell. Having children bully him for being different. The nurses at the orphanage letting him believe he was crazy seeing doctor after doctor to try and figure out the little boy. A boy who just wanted to be something and no one let him.

He left his thoughts there, wishing to no longer ponder on it. "Let's go back darling, shall we?"

Conscious eyed him, seeing his mind full of thoughts but him never letting her in. She decided if it wasn't today then maybe tomorrow.

Smiling, the girl yelled. "Race you!" Bolting back to the dorms.

The corner of his lips raised slightly into a smile, admiring her childishness ways, giving her a small head start before moving his hands swiftly to reappear back into his Prefect room.

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