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"See special guest Miss. Jones! Mr. Jones is here for a visit!" Trinket squealed next to Conscious.

She was frozen in her spot. She hadn't physically seen her brother in decades, and him being here meant something was desperately wrong.

"What are you doing here Constantine?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Her brother matched her stance. "Can I not check up on my little sister? Especially when she forgets I see everything."

Only two things scared Conscious, her father and her brother. She knew he was upset but clearly underestimated his emotions, the fact he came down to Earth to lecture her meant she had really messed up.

"Trinket, set the another see for Constantine, he must be starving." Conscious order, to which Trinket quickly fled to do so.

"We have a lot to discuss." He said, stepping forward. "And you know my opinions on this little mission you have set, but torturing a man?! For someone who hates father you are putting in a quite a show he would enjoy."

"I'm not him!" She yelled, eyes flashing and her fist now clench. "I didn't ask you to come here."

"I don't need permission from you." He snapped right back. His eyes locked hard on hers, they hardly ever fought and he knew something was going on. "Ever since you met that boy, no ever since you decided to attend that school you've done nothing but abused your power."

"They have nothing to do with this! I haven't always been a sweet little girl Constantine and I haven't done anything wrong. I've hardly used any magic since Hogwarts." She fought back.

"No, but your boyfriend has murder and tortured countless." He fired not missing a beat.

He was right but Tom's actions had no effect on her, she already committed the worst sins and to her nothing could turn her darker. She still had a clear mind and she knew her limits, she found it completely irrelevant for him to even be here. She stayed quite though, she didn't want to argue with him. She had missed him and the fact he cared more about her wrongs than her own self made her even more upset.

"Besides just because you watch over every child doesn't mean you truly know them."She muttered, twiddling her fingers looking down.

"I've seen what he's done as a child, and I can see exactly what will happen once he is done with you, I do not wish to see you hurt." He explained, arms uncrossing for fall at his sides.

"I can protect myself, I'm not a child." She said, eyes still not meeting his.

"No you are my sister, who I vowed to protect at all cost."

"And as my brother trust me."

Silence filled the entry hall. Constantine eyes searched for hers but she remained her gaze on the marble floor.

"I missed you, I haven't been in the house in centuries." Constantine started, breaking the silence and tension that built. He stepped closer to take his sisters face in his hands forcing her to look at him. His touch warm against her cold skin.

"I missed you as well." She finally spoke.

"I'm quite famished, we can discuss later before I leave tonight. Maybe we can come to an understanding if you just tell me what you are up to."

"That would ruin the fun." She frowned.

"For someone who begs to be treated with authority you are still a child." He tisked, releasing her face. "I believe I have an introduction to be made?"

She smiled at him, "i suppose so dear brother."

He beamed down at her, before walking towards the dinning hall. "I really do hate this house. I do no understand why you still reside here."

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