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She didn't answer him. She pushed his arm and left him. He didn't turn around to watch her leave. She kept her back against the door thinking he'd run back for her like he did after their first kiss.

But he didn't.

She walked down the corridor and saw Abraxas. They walked together in silence. He reminded her of Constantine her brother. Both white hair, fair skin. But also they way Abraxas was. He may be a Malfoy but he didn't act like them. Like Constantine, in ways everyone thought he would be like their father- dark and powerful. But he didn't he proved everyone wrong as he became the moon.

"He's going to kill you soon." She said.

"He needs me alive." He smiled. But they both knew Tom was beginning to become jealous of Conscious befriending his followers. His emotions were starting to reveal as more negative then positive. Of course effects of splitting ones soul.

Her eyes wondered on the walls, lips in a thin line. She simply hummed in response. It was a full moon tonight. She walked past Abraxas, heading for the Tower.

"Where are you going, your going to get in trouble" He yelled slightly.

She turned. "To see my brother." With that her heels turned as she walked to the top of the tower.

She couldn't hear him following but she heard someone join him. She didn't stop to look.

Moon bright in the night sky, shinning down light on her face, warmth as if someone was holding her cheeks.

"Good evening sister."

She smiled. "Good evening dear brother."

She walked to the edge leaning over the bar, before swinging her legs over to sit.

"Be careful Conscious"

She rolled her eyes at her brothers concern. "I'm not a child brother."

She felt him smile down at her. "Perhaps you should act less as one then."

"Where's the fun in that?" She tested.

"Life isn't about fun and games dear sister. And the game your playing here isn't very wise. I shall always questions your intentions and I do not see the reason why you are at this school."

She looked down kicking her feet back and forth. "I need to be here brother. I can't explain why but I do need your trust and guidance in this. I can't do this alone."

No answer was given back. The moon shinned blue. She could feel his emotion turn cold.

She groaned. "Don't you trust me?"

"Yes. I do. Your are my only sister. But as a guardian, you play lots of games Conscious and you don't always win. Therefore I am hesitant in this decision."

She remained still.

"There's dark here. Much more then what i've felt and I fear it will be something that shall constantly grow."

"You are wise Conscious. I know you will be wise in your decisions. But a wise mind needs-"

"Needs sleep. Yes dear Constantine I know. A great mind needs it's rest. " She finished.

He shinned back, knowing that was the end of their talk. She looked up admiring him. Constantine was a Guardian of Children. He looked after every single one of them- most likely Tom as well. She hopped over again to see the heir himself. He had followed after her, emotions taking the form of weakness in him. He looked amused at her shocked.

"Talking to ourself now?" He teased. She said nothing more then narrow her eyes.

"Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to ease drop?"

"Hasn't anyone told you that I care about you more then power?" He mocked.

She felt her stomach dropped. "What?"

He moved closer to her grabbing her hands. Every ounce of Toms body ached. He did care. He truly had cared for her. He didn't want to lose her. But he wanted power. His thirst for it grew at every second it felt. He knew he wouldn't stop. But he had to - at least for his remaining school years.

"I will always want power." He confessed. "But I was always want you. I want to come to an agreement. For the remained of the school I shall no longer continue creating more. But after I still wish for you to join me to becoming the most powerful sourcer in wizarding history."

She looked in his eyes. She could see the moon reflecting in his eyes. She could see he was aching for an answer.

She knew damn well her brother was gazing on the two. She turned away from Tom to look at her brother. Tom's eyes followed looking up at the moon.

"Alright." She sighed out.

"Snakes aren't meant to be kept as pets." The bright moon hissed.

She ignored him. Turning back to Tom he looked down at her as she looked up.

"Let's go." She said starting her way back down as he followed.

"Conscious, who were you speaking to before? Abraxas said you went to see your brother." He questioned.

"I did." She replied.

"I don't understand." He replied with confusion. Had her brother not been dead?

"The moon. The moon is my brother." She laughed.

He furrowed his brows. They walked into the common room where only Abraxas and Avery sat.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter." She sighed, dismissing the conversation. "He's just the moon now, watching over us."

"Who God." Avery snickered.

"My brother you twat." She shot back.

"Your brother is God?" Abraxas questioned.

She sighed heavily. "No the moon is. My brother is the moon, a Guardian of Children. He died protecting children and was given the power of watching over them for enteral life."

The three boys let that sink in, not answering at first. Still confused on what she possibly meant. How does a human take the form of a Moon.

"Now i'm going to bed." She huffed going towards her dorm after saying goodnight to Tom and the duo.

She fell into her bed soon letting darkness consume her.

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