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Conscious kept to herself the rest of the feast. Not seeing the point to engage in any other conversation. She already dreaded this school. She wasn't use to so many people. Being from such a small village seeing so many students made her uncomfortable.

"All prefect students, please take your house to there common room!" Headmaster Dippet announced, stopping her thoughts.

Conscious watched as Tom stood up as long as most of the table. Conscious stood up as well and followed the crowd of Slytherin as they walked. She didn't pay much attention to where they were going or what Tom was explaining. He had lead them all down to what seem to be some sort of dungeon like area. He announced the password to enter the Slytherin dorms.

All the first years ran up to find themselves a room along with roommates. Conscious stood near the entrance and watched as everyone was picking roommates and reconnecting with old friends.

She stood at the top of the stairs before moving towards the dorms looking for an extra bed soon finding two girls and an empty bed. She knocked lightly causing the two girls to look up.

"Can I sleep here?"

"Your the new girl? Conscious right?" One of the girl asked. Conscious nodded.

"I'm Alexis, your welcome to sleep here." The girl now known as Alexis.

"I'm Olivia." The other girl smiled.

Conscious smiles slightly at the other of them before moving to her bed. She moved her hand and her bags appeared. She moved her hand once again and watched as her clothes moved to the trunk into for the bed.

"What type of spell was that?" Olivia asked amazed at her magic ability.

Curiosity was a pet peeve of Conscious.

"It wasn't a spell, it was just magic." Conscious replied before leaving, no longer wishing to continue this conversation.

Olivia quickly followed quite curios about her new roommate. As they walked down the stairs to the common room, Olivia asked again;

"What year are you going to be in?"

"Seventh." She relied simply.

"I've never seen hand magic before, what other types of magic can you do?" She asked yet another question. "Where did you learn that?"

Conscious groaned slightly already annoyed. They reached the bottom and saw only Tom and a few of what she assumed of friends sitting near the back talking quietly.

"Olivia have you never seen magic before?" Conscious snapped slightly causing Tom and the others to look up. "I mean being at a magical school I would assume you've seen such thing before?"

"Not like what you did."She said.

She was now annoyed. "Olivia how am i ever going to stand you."

"What do you mean?" Olivia replied quit offended.

"Your awfully annoying with every little question." She said simply. "Why can't you be more quiet. I mean why does it concern you of what magic i can do and if i were you it would be better not to know because well- here's a little hint."

Conscious stood up right into of Olivia, her piercing blue eyes locking a with Olivia's brown ones. Olivia eyes holding slight fear.

"Not all who poise magic use it for good."

Conscious moved back smirking before walking off to her dorm. Heads watched as the new girl left. Olivia stood there, face flushed red. Clearly this new girl was someone who wasn't meant to be tested. Tom liked that, he smirked to himself looking at his new challenge for the year.


Morning came too early, but Conscious was already awake, watching as the sun rose. She moved from her bed and got ready for her classes. The other two were still asleep. She watched them sleep for a few moments, remembering how she left Olivia is such fear before leaving. She had hoped no one would be awake at this hour, but her hopes didn't seem to be here , as Tom Riddle sat in front of the green fire with a book in his hands.

She studied him, his eyes a bright shade of green. They weren't scanning the book but instead looking right back at her.

"Enjoying yourself?" He commented before placing the book down.

She said nothing.

"You do not speak much , do you?" He stated.

"You don't stop asking questions , do you?" She mocked.

He set his jaw. Insolence. Just like Conscious it was something he hated

She looked at him. "Touched a nerve?"

She was new, she had no idea what he was capable. Not one of those students ever dared to talk to him in such manor. He stood up taking long strides towards her, stopping inches away.

"Oh darling, no one speaks to me in such ways. You better learn the rules fast before something happens." He spoke softly.

She wasn't scared of him, she smiled slightly. "Oh Tom, someone better teach you my rules soon."

With that she left him standing there.

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