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"Hurry up Tom!" Conscious whined as Tom slowly opened his gift.

He looked up through his locks, before returning to his gift. It was the first gift he has received in his life. He wanted to take time and suck in this new feeling of compassion. He neatly removed the emerald green paper to see a box. Inside was something he was rather shocked to see. It was the Salazar Slytherin's locket. He looked up with disbelief.

"Didn't think you could hide the fact you were the heir of Salazar could you now?" Conscious hummed.

"Where did you get this?"

"You're suppose to say 'Thank You' Tom, not ask where or what." She giggled. "Now keep that in safe hiding many people would love to have their hands on that."

"Thank you." Tom smiled slightly. Unsure how the girl came to get her hands upon the locket but it was his now.

Tom rose and moved to get his gift and placed it in her small hands. She practically ripped the paper off in seconds. It was a small box and when she opened it was a small silver necklace with a small dark red stone attached at the bottom. She looked in awe at the stone smaller than a dime yet held so much beauty.

"It's beautiful Tom." Conscious gasped.

"It's part of a very powerful stone. It was extremely hard to find it but it reminds me of you. This stone holds power but only from the ones who don't wish it. You're absolutely powerful Conscious but yet you seek more when it's not needed. It shows me how much you're devoted to me." Tom explained, grabbing the locket to to put it on her neck. It shined in the sunlight. She smiled turning to him, placing a kiss on his lips. They smiled before heading down to eat the Christmas breakfast.

Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore state in the hall watching the children who stayed, including the two with budding romance. Dumbledore  could see the change in Tom, he always sensed something off about Tom recently. He could sense joy from Tom, which caused fear. Tom was very manipulative and wasn't sure if this budding romance was a distraction for everyone so no one could see his hidden plans. He knew Tom released the large snake that lived beneath the school on the girl. He kept an annoyingly close watch on Tom ever since. He had noticed Conscious was rather odd as well. Her appearance to the school, with such a high level of knowledge caused him to wonder why she was here. And how she took such a likely to the future Dark Lord. He rested his elbows on the table and moved his gaze away to turn his attention to Headmaster Dippet.

Conscious rested her head on Toms pillow as she watched him work on papers. He was reading about Horcruxes again which set a bad feeling in her stomach. She wanted him to see power as only power. Not desire it to such lengths as he did. He was being blinded by Blood purity, she could tell he has plans for the Muggle Born wizards and witches along with muggles themselves. She'd had dreams about a man killing off an entire nation to create his own picture perfect land. And she had no doubts it was future Tom.

"Conscious." Tom hummed. She looked up to see him walking over with a page of the book. "Could one split the soul more than once? Has it been done before?"

She sighed before sitting up looking at the page in the book. It only referred to splitting the soul once. 

"One horcruxes is more than enough Tom, but it would be possible for such thing if you really wish it. But it would be rather stupid. You'd lose yourself to the unnatural. The consequences will just build up." She replied handing him back the book.

He nodded simply before going back to his desk as he wrote away. She frowned and went to see what he was scratching down in his diary, but there was no ink showing up.

He charmed it.

She frowned more before going back to his bed telling him to come along.

"I'm busy." He murmured.

"And i'm tired Tom, you have all tomorrow to worry." She whined.

He sighed turning to face her in his chair. Exhausted covered his face. But he refused to sleep- not yet at least. He's dark circles were caving into his face and his green eyes screamed out with pain. His hair was tossed around from him constantly pulling at it in frustration.

She sat up facing him. "A great wizard needs sleep."

"I can't, I need to finish this." His voice raspy. "If your tired darling, sleep."

Her heart sank a little. Seeing him putting in so much work for something he desperately believed in. "Is there anyway I can help?" A yawn escaped her mouth.

He gave her a smile. "Sleep, I can see your tired, i'll try to be quiet alright?"

"You're tired to Tom, try to sleep soon alright?" She sighed. He nodded before moving over to her, placing the blanket over her and dimmed the lights so it wouldn't keep her up. He walked back to chair and could hear her small snores fill the air. He looked over his shoulder to see her one last time before taking his full attention into his planning.

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