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"Give me your powers then." Conscious stated at Tom. "Excuse me?"

Tom crossed his arms. "You heard me."

"Why would I do that?" Conscious questioned.

"If you are unhappy with your magic, give it to me."

She looked at him with awe. He couldn't be serious? "Its not that I'm i pleased with my power, I just- never mind Tom."

Conscious rose to leave, but he stopped her by grabbing her arm. "Conscious you know I'm not good at this just, I'm sorry."

She eyed him. "You think immortality is beautiful but it isn't. What if we had children Tom! They'd grow to die with ya watching!"

Tom dropped her arm, shock on his face. Did she just say children? Conscious face burned instantly realizing what she said. Crap crap crap.

"You want children with me?" Tom whispered.

"I was just using an example." Conscious replied quickly. "Look this is a mistake I appreciate you-"

"Do you love me?" Tom asked.

Silence rose. Absolute silence. Did she love him? She just admitted to thinking of a future with him. She couldn't just ignore the fact she definitely felt something for Tom.

She gulped. "I, I don't know yet Tom."

He moved closer to her. "You think we're going to have children?"

She looked at him. "I mean, it's normal to think such things in a relationship." They never put a label on their relationship but they were definitely a power duo.

The thought of children with Conscious never crossed his mind until now. He didn't think she felt so.. deeply about him. Children had never once been an idea for him until now. They were both immortal; if they had a child it would die of old age as they remain young. Tom now had a sense as to why she was upset. She was scared of their future. Something burned in him yet it wasn't a bad feeling.

"Conscious." Tom started cupping her wet cheeks. "These thoughts of children are to soon, the future is unpredictable and that fear you have will always be there. But I am not leaving you, i've grown to care for you. I want you to be my queen as we gain power and loyalty."

Conscious smiled through her tears. "I care about you too Tom. I just have had so many thoughts about the future since meeting you and I am afraid i'll love you for you to leave me for power."

Tom frowned slightly, was she really afraid of that? "Conscious."

She cut him off by pressing her lips against his. His hands bring her closer deepen their moment. Her nimble fingers sat just above his hips, as he brought one head on the back of her head. He walked backwards a bit before turning her so she fell onto the bed, their lips never disconnecting. Tom laid on top of Conscious, slipping his tongue into her mouth.

She released a small gasp shocked, this was their first intimate moment. She moved her hands to his neck as his hands moved down her sides gripping her tighter, as if she was going to disappear. Conscious pulled at his hair a bit earning a groan from Tom. She felt colour in her cheeks again. Tom broke the kiss slowly opening his eyes to look into her deep blue eyes. Lust sat upon their eyes for each other.

"Tom Riddle skipping class for me?" Conscious teased.

Tom rolled his eyes letting out an annoyed sign. "Second time i've been caught late to class, you are a awful influence Ms. Jones."

Conscious laughed, before leaning up to kiss Tom again. Tom smiled into the kiss, before sitting up. "We must not be anymore late darling."

Conscious frowned.

Tom stood at the front of his bed fixing his hair and school uniform before offering Conscious his hand. The girl huffed before taking Toms hand as he helped her up. She smoothed out her hair and skirt before grabbing her bag.

"Ready?" She asked. Tom nodded taking her hand in his as the two left for first period. Walking down the halls, glances seemed to follow. The duo has never been public about their relationship aside from today and it definitely caught attention. Whispers between class mates filled the halls and neither seemed to care. For once Tom allowed those to speak of his name. Classes carried on per usual no one caring the duo had missed the beginning.

Dinner again approached, the four tables filled with chatter and laughs from each student. Conscious sitting next to Tom, her head on his shoulder as the others ate. 

"Did you know Aurors came into the class today to speak to Dumbledore." Avery spoke.

"Why?" Abraxas asked.

Avery shrugged. "No clue, kicked the whole class out to speak."

"Grindelwald, it must be the reason why. Dumbledore is the only other wizard who has the same power." Conscious replied. Eyes shifted uncomfortably, looking at Tom as they all knew his thoughts on this.
"Rumour has it they were lovers."

"Really?" Zevi laughed. Conscious nodded.

"My father said something like this to me. That they were closer than brothers." Abraxas spoke, taking a bit into his food.

"They made a blood pack to never fight each other." Conscious yawned.

"And what makes you say this?" Tom questioned.

Abraxas nodded. "She's right, the Minster has been trying to gain Dumbledore to fight against Grindlewald but their pack makes it impossible."

Tom glances at Dumbledore. How'd he not know this about the old man? He was always one step ahead.

"The tale of the two is quite fascinating." Conscious said. "They became close friends after the death of Dumbledore sister and Dumbledore became hooked on Grindlewald way on life. The two studied power and magic together in the summers  when Grindlewald was sent to Godric Hollow in three summers as they were younger."

"Sounds like Conscious has a wee crush on Dumbledore." Avery laughed.

"I thought you didn't know anything of Dumbledore." Tom states.

Conscious raised her head up. "I know tales from past people i've encountered."

"Is this why you were so curios?" Abraxas asked.

Conscious nodded. "Grindlewald name wasn't a stranger to me, but that is for another time." She finished with a yawn.

No one brought up the topic again, start their own new topics during dinner. Tom hadn't known Conscious knew Grindlewald, he admired him that was fighting for but knew he was better than him. That he wouldn't let love or fear blind him. That he would make sure he had no enemies to be his downfall. Tom Riddle made sure his plans were fault free because Tom knew he was the most powerful upcoming Dark Lord.

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