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He folded his uniform neatly leaving them on his desk for the following day. He turned to see that Conscious had already fallen asleep. He looked at her, her chest lightly rising as her mouth a jar ever so slightly, blonde hair scattered across her.

She truly was beautiful.

He checked the time seeing it was only half past eleven. He stood leaning against his desk, arms crossed carelessly. He thought about her. She really was someone he felt happy with in the longest of times. But he had an awful way of showing it, even though he knew it didn't effect her greatly, he knew he still had an impact on the girl. Seeing as she almost rejected his kiss. But the girl had a point, it seemed to lead to issues when they shared moments like that. He flickered his eyes from
his fathers ring to the girl. He's temptations to create more we're seemly growing, but it was far to dangerous to open the chamber again. Far to dangerous to continue anything, it wasn't worth losing his education at this school seeing as he was the best they've ever seen. He say at his desk adding another entry into his diary about the future.

He wanted a new name. A name that would be known greatly, he refused to keep his filthy muggle fathers name. He would not be remembered by the name of a pathetic man. He wrote out his name;

Tom Marvolo Riddle

He looked at his name, perhaps he could create an Anagram within his name. He glanced at the clock as it struck midnight. He really should head to bed. He looked down at the scribbles of names he came up with. None pleasing him. He sat back hands through his hair as he stretched his neck back to look up at the ceiling. What name could he make? A name that brought power, that brought fear even. He breathed out deeply returning to his proper position, closing his book and placing it in his drawer of his desk, moving to the bed. He stopped though- unsure if he should slip in with her or onto this chair next to her. He pondered, seeing as he wasn't sure if they stood on terms for sharing a bed after what has happened in the past. Even though they have slept before, it was different now, their - connection.

He decided to sleep on the floor next to her taking a pillow, seeing as the couch would be more uncomfortable than the floor. Besides it was carpeted anywho. He laid down, using an extra blank to help keep out the cool air before letting the dark take over his eyes.


Blue eyes fluttered met nothing. Just a wall and an empty bed. Conscious say up slightly, not seeing Tom in his room. She looked at his clock, it was almost seven in the morning. Maybe he left to the Great Hall? She rubbed her eyes before swinging her legs over the bed to hit anything but the floor. Tom yelled slightly as she did herself pulling her legs up quickly.

"Tom? What in Salazar's name are you doing?" She exclaimed. He held his arm slightly. "Sleeping?"

"Why on the floor!"

He didn't answer just sat up looking at her. She felt suddenly sick. They've shared a bed before multiple times, and she didn't understand why last night was at different.

"I was .. unsure of how you would've felt is I had slept next to you." He confessed, as he say the unsettledness in her eyes.

She furrowed her brows , crossing her legs on his bed. "What do you mean?"

He rose to his feet walking over to his desk. "I just didn't know where we stand."

Her eyes followed him as he walked over. "We stand okay don't we?"

She didn't think they had a problem. They've never really discussed what they were.

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