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The night flowed on, each of the recent graduates of Hogwarts entangled with a man of power in the Ministry, music and conversation filling the room. Conscious stood next to the window glancing out to the full moon, it shined a vivid blue for a moment signalling her brother was watching her.

"Care for another glass?" She heard someone ask. She turned to see Abraxas offering a glass of champagne, she smiled taking it.

"Thank you."

"Are you enjoying your night?" He asked.

"It's been exceptional, your house is just lovely. Though I cannot wait to take off these shoes." Conscious returned, glancing at her feet.

"I'd imagine they aren't the best shoes."

"Care to switch?" She laughed.

"And take away your suffering? My, I'm suppose to be the bad guy not a gentleman." Abraxas said, holding his chin pretending to think.

She rolled her eyes. "Such a gentleman you are not. Have you found anything?"

"I have actually, and i've been offered a few positions at the Ministry."

"That's amazing I never asked what you were planning after school." She returned.

"I will most likely follow in my fathers shoes, it's a Malfoy thing." He spoke, seeming a bit annoyed.

"You don't seem to thrilled." She commented, noticing his shift speaking about his future.

"It's what pureblood lines do, as much as I value traditions I don't want to live just in the Ministry." He replied, sipping his glass. "With Tom it gives me options, I can follow but still lead in a way you know?"

She nodded. "You contribute for the greater good, you follow yes but not in a family line you pave a path for those to follow."

"Exactly." He agreed, he looked at her slightly, the moon behind her was shining blue. "You said your brother is the moon?"

"Yes." She replied taking a sip.

"As in behind you?" He pointed out. She hummed in response. "Strange."

"Strange is only things we do not understand."

"I suppose I don't quite understand you as I thought I did." He replied slowly.

Her lips twitched up. "Believe me no one quite understands."

"Not even Tom?" He asked.

"Tom and I understand what we choose to understand, sometimes it's easier to go with rather than seek." She explained finishing her drink, her eyes flickering to the other side of the crowd catching Toms cold stare. "Speaking of, I'll see you back at my manor?"

Abraxas followed her gaze, before returning his blue eyes to hers. "I shall."Conscious smiled, hugging him which first startled him but he quickly embraced her back. Separating, she stored across the room coming next to Tom and a few men around him, along with Zevi.

He instantly wrapped an arm around her waist. "Minster, this is my partner Conscious Jones." He introduced her.

"Pleasure sir." She smiled.

"Beauty was a lack of a statement boy! You have yourself quite the women." A man spoke clasping his hands on Tom's shoulder. Tom eyed the mans hand, his state was unreadable and it didn't sit well with Conscious.

"You speak to highly of my Tom." Conscious smiled, trying to switch the subject. She sensed Tom's jealously and possessive traits flaring already. "May I steal him for a drink?"

"He was just informing us of very important matters, of course no women could understand perhaps you should go fetch us all drinks." The same man laughed. Her face grew bright, her jaw setting along with her magic burning just as Tom has.

"Excuse me?" She spoke dangerous slow.

Zevi chugged down his glass, glancing between the couple and the men, he knew Tom was about to snap. He's witness quite a bit of Tom's temper, but he knew Conscious was his equal.

"Conscious and I will gladly go and fetch some drinks." Zevi spoke up, he knew Tom needed these men for his plan and if either snapped his opportunity would be wasted. Conscious frowned at Zevi's pleading eyes to go with him.

"Nonsense boy, a women is meant to follow whatever a man says." The man continued to jab at her not seeing the tensions growing. "Tell your women to go and get us drinks, so we can finish our conversation! Unless you think other wises boy?"

Tom eyes started hard, before switching to something more sinister. "Conscious isn't a house elf, she will do no such thing to bow at the feet of such filthy men."All eyes widen at Tom.

"Do you know who you are speaking to young man? I am the head of the Aurors, and I will not have a child speak at me in such manor!" The man spoke vivid eyes meeting Tom's simple gaze.

"I am quite aware I made it clear I was speaking to filth." Tom snapped right back. "so apologize Minster truly, I was looking forward to the potential to work with you but, I will not align myself with men who speak to any women with such language. Have a good evening." Tom abruptly turned taking Conscious with him, Zevi quickly following leaving the men in their shocked state. The trio walked to the balcony that was empty before Tom took his wand out, muttering "Morsmorde." Quickly the other boys joined them feeling the strong tug of their marks.

"Is everything alright?" Alphard asked seeing Tom pace, hands tight at his side.

"We are leaving, now." Tom's voice hard. "Before I slaughter the next person who speaks." The group stood quite, seeing Tom clearly upset.

"I will inform my parents we will be leaving." Abraxas said anxiously turning to quick.

Conscious came to Tom's side, taking his clenched fists. "Don't. Don't let them over power your emotions."

"I'm not." Tom snapped, ripping his hands away. "How dare they speak to you as a simple house elf? To think I almost had such idiotic men aid me?"

"He is just a git Tom." Zevi spoke up. "They are far to shallow to work aside you."

"Zevi is right, have those men bow to you." Conscious started again moving closer. "You are great without them and you will find another way."

"Another way?" Tom's scuffed. "That idiot has the keys to every single department in the Ministry. Their wards are far to great for us to break in to, I need that key now."

"Then let's go get it." Zevi said. "Let's show that idiot what is children are capable of."

"What are you playing at Prince?" Alphard asked.

"We want to make our mark don't we? Let's make it. Here, tonight right now. That old man versus us. Let's take him." Zevi smirked. Tom bit his cheek, facing everyone face once again unreadable.

"Your suggestion we crash this little party?" Conscious questioned.

"What?" Abraxas exclaimed, returning just in time it would seem. "You are planning to ambush my home?"

"We are planning to get a key back from the head of aurors." Tom said. "Is this a problem Malfoy, as I recall your parents believe we have left."

"Yes but-"

"But they won't know it's us if we are uncover." Conscious stated looking at Abraxas. "I can muster a disguise for us, take the auror somewhere then dump his useless body somewhere. He not only disrespected me but Tom. You said you wanted to pave a path, it's time to now."

Abraxas inhaled deeply before nodding. "Alright, I'm in."

"Me too." Alphard said. Orion raised his hand in agreement.

Zevi smiled turning to Tom. "Shall we my lord?"

Tom's lips twitched up into a grin. "Tonight we make our mark. We will rain a new fear, we will show everyone here tonight a new name to fear."

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