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He had awaken much earlier than Conscious had. Her blonde hair scattered upon his chest. He moved slightly to stretch, trying to not wake the girl- which he had achieved.

He looked down at her peaceful slumber.He felt happy with their moments especially considering they have grown more with their new time alone. He wasn't use to such affection. He had always seen girls staring at him, the comments made when he walked passed. The jealous the fellow male students had shown towards Tom and how all the girls wished for his touch.

Tom's mind wondered back to wha Conscious had said, that he could in-fact feel but his mind had blocked it. It was silly because well he knew he couldn't, no one could if conceived under a love potion his foolish mother had used. But he knew he had get something for her, it wasn't hate and certain wasn't love. But it was something. Something he liked being able to feel. Something he wished would never leave at times.

"Tom, it's rather rude to stare." Conscious mumbled as her eyes still remained shut.

He snickered slightly at her. She sat up not realizing she had fallen asleep in his room.

She sat up for a few minutes before she had left back to her dorm to begin the day for before meeting Tom in the common room again. He was reading- of course. She sat next to him leaning her head on his shoulder reading along too. He was reading one of her old books on some dark spells.

"Tom do you know any hand magic?" She questioned.

"I've learned a few basic ones." He answered.

"I can teach you a few if you'd like." She said. "Seeing as your reading about it I might as well show you."

He looked over and nodded. "Like what?"

"Well." She started as she stood. "Fire is the most easiest in my opinion but of course the second easiest is more import is catching spells, like i used on you."

His eyes light up a bit.

"But let's start with fire." She said. She held out her hand and within seconds a flame appeared.

She didn't even move her hand, just left it. She then closed her palm and the flame disappeared. He eyes lit up just like the previous flame had been.

"With fire you can throw it, that's about it but it is useful. Now I was given this ability and i do not know if you'll be able to achieve it. But it is worth a shot." She explained.

He nodded and stood. She took both his hands and placed hers on top. She tapped his left hand feeling more power there.

"Now all you have to do is picture a flame in you're hand, while also using you're own inner strength." She said. "It is rather hard and I don't expect you to get it today, magic takes time to mold."

He did what was instructed. Minutes passed. Nothing. He sighed in frustration. She told him he needed patience and with that,

A small flame had appeared.

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