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Tom stood in his now polyjuiced body, staring at the Fountain of Magical Brethren that stood in the center of the Ministry. He had never been here before, but he couldn't help but narrow his gaze. It represented equality between non-magical beings and the wizard-kinds. He found it disgusting that Ministry saw it fit to have a golden statue of a muggle. To show they were to like us, how disgusting to even think a wizard was like a useless muggle. He couldn't wait to rid the world of them.

Avery and Zevi moments later stood next to Tom, they to in polyjuice form. "Stare harder Riddle and it might just burst into flames."

Tom switched his hard gaze to Zevi who instantly lost his toothy grin.

"We have work to do gentlemen, let's hope Abraxas can stall Conscious as long as possible. He said the department is on the eleventh floor." Tom explained, looking one more time at the Fountain before striding away, his two followers close on his heels.

Three floors above the trio, Conscious and Abraxas stood whist his father yelled at one of the Minsitry elf's for stepping on his shoe. Conscious nearly stepped in if Abraxas didn't have a death hold on her arm.

"Father must you do this here." Abraxas scolded.

"Filthy elf, get out of my sight!" Actaeus yelled before fixing his suit turning to his son. "We must make it clear where we stand, we are superior and they must be aware. You should be more like Tom son, he sees the beauty in blood purity."

Abraxas refrained an eye roll. "I think we'll be on our way father, I'll owl soon."

They walked away swiftly towards the elevators, Abraxas still holding onto her arm but his grip loosened lightly.

"Does he do that a lot?" Conscious frowned as they waited for the elevator.

"Abuse the elves? I warned you, most wizards don't treat them with respect." Abraxas explained.

"No, compare you to Tom?"

"Occasionally." Abraxas glanced at her, seeing he was still holding her he finally let go. The gates opened as the compartment came wizzing towards them inside a few other workers stood.

"Does it bug you?" She continued as they walked in.

"Department of Aurors please." Abraxas instructed the man working the gates. "And no, not anymore."

"It did though?"

Abraxas paused for a few moments before speaking. "Tom is a great wizard, though my father seems to worship his ideas more than my own. And he knows that."

"My mother would compare me to my father. Say I was becoming him, I hate it now." Conscious confessed.

"Not a fathers girl?" Abraxas joked.

"At points I craved for his approval, I'd do anything for him to accept me. Silly now when I reflect on it, I'd rather crave my own fate than follow a path." Conscious spoke freely.

"You and Riddle are alike in many ways, I believe I've heard him say something just like that." Abraxas snickered slightly.

"I think Tom is continuing a path he was put on, though altering it for the best of him. I admire that, but I worry it will be his downfall." She confessed.

Abraxas didn't say anything else, but he silently agreed. But he wouldn't dare speak of anything but high of his Lord, he did admire Tom but he hated the way his leader did things. Like today, he completely disagrees with this, it's the second time somewhere he called home would be attacked. Tom made it clear though, that this, the Knights were his new home and Abraxas believed every word Tom feed to them.

"Department of Aurors!" The bell man yelled, opening the gates as Abraxas and Conscious walked out leaving the coworkers behind, not realizing it was the Knights in polyjuice.

Tom blinked as they walked away, gaze hard and cold. He knew Abraxas and his father never quite got along like how he did, but he never truly thought Abraxas cared that make. It would be rather ridiculous to be jealous over something so small. Yet- Tom felt something burning in his chest when he say Abraxas holding Conscious, and not only that but got her to explain her life with no issue, something that took weeks for him to crack. Almost mortified by that feeling, he wasn't jealous. He was simply.. annoyed. They had a task and he couldn't let any feeling derail this.

Zevi and Avery glanced at each other who stood at either side of Tom, even in polyjuice form, he held a firm gaze, enough to make anyone shudder. Arriving to the Department of Magical Artifacts stood only two guards. How simple this was going to be. Tom gracefully walked up to them, his wand tucked behind his arm.

"Oi! What is it you doing here!" A thick Irish accent. "No place for a prophet worker!"

Tom grinned through his form- "Stupefy." he said stunning the two men. Tom grabbed the key from the Irish man before motioning Zevi and Avery to come drag the unconscious men, who hide them behind the pillars. Opening the door led to the room full of historical artifacts, either on shelves or in glass cases.

"Avery search for the sword, Prince search for the diadem. I'll search for the cup." Tom instructed. The trio went they're separate ways running down the aisles.

"Accio Hufflepuff Cup!" Tom yelled pointing his wand up in the air. Nothing. Perhaps the cup can't be summoned by spells he thought.

He heard the two copy his actions casting the searching spell but they two came up empty. He summoned the two boys back, their marks tingling slightly.

"Do you think they are here?" Tom asked Zevi who shrugged.

"Maybe they can only be summoned by their house?" Avery questioned.

"An intern said Hepzibah Smith the heir of Hufflepuff may have the cup, perhaps each heir has the items then." Tom spoke more to himself if anything.

His insane grandfather had the Gaunt ring and he remembered the old man yelling about the locket his daughter stole. That means his filthy mother had the locket at some point too- meaning perhaps each looked after the heirlooms. He needed to do research on them further now, he felt back in square one.

"Search the shelves for anything related to the houses. Books, maps, I don't care." Tom said, sending the duo off. He glanced around the place taking everything in, a lot of simple artifacts were sitting in shelves. Some he'd recognize from the history textbook.

He was momentarily upset, he hated being wrong. Maybe if he did listen to Conscious he would've realized that the heirlooms may just be with the heirs, but at least he was inside the Ministry and still had the option to attack it. Causing some chaos might just brighten up his mood. Both boys returned holding books passing them to Tom who gazed through it.

"These are the books that state who is the direct bloodline of each house and the origins of them." Zevi explained.

Tom held the four books representing each house, this was a good start. "Wonderful, Avery take these and make sure not to lose them." Avery took the four books casting a shrinking spell placing them in his pocket.

"Now, it's time for the real fun to begin." Tom smirked as he lifted his hands for the potion to strip off the boys returning them to their form and replacing them in black cloaks and mask to keep their identity hidden. Then Tom rolled his sleeve allow this mark to summon the others waiting outside.

Outside Alphard hissed feeling the mark burn into his arm, jumping to his feet. Everyone around glanced at each other feeling they're arms burn with the same pain.

"It's time." Laura grinned pulling her mask over just as the other did. "The dark Lord instructed us to stay in a duos or trios, each entering in different pits."

"We are not here to kill, stun and destroy only remember. We are here to make fear known, no casualties for our Lord said punishments awaits." Alphard continued. Everyone nodded before apparating to each enter way, Orion, Alphard and Laura sticking together. At the look at the watch the time finally struck ten, each jumping down into the pits reappear inside the Ministry where workers jumped in shock drawing their wands out of fear. But the Knights were quicker, Alphard throwing the first hex.

Then it begun.

hehe, another cliff hanger.

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