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"What?" Conscious asked with a frown.

Tomorrow morning? This was to soon, way to soon, Tom was clearly making irrational decisions to prove his dominance after the outburst this morning. Had he really felt that threatened?

"I've decided to move it. I want them sooner than later." Tom shrugged. "I don't have time to wait for the Minister to accept my invitation from lunch."

"Tom you want us to break into the Ministry tomorrow morning? Do the boys even know about this?"

"They will soon."

"Tom it's to soon you've just only come up with this plan I mean wouldn't you rather wait?" She exclaimed pulling back from him.

"You don't think I can pull it off?" He frowned crossing his arms.

"It's to soon Tom."

"I wasn't asking for you're permission darling."

"How in Merlins name do you plan to break in! Walk through hoping they will allow a student access just because they have a key?!" She shot back.

"Pollyjuice." He grinned, waving his hand a large vile instantly appeared. "I've had this ready since April darling."

Conscious simply looked at him, of course he had a plan but why hold it back for so long then?

"Are you really this upset?" He asked, his tone dropping slowly. No response.

"You honestly doubt me this much? For someone I put so much trust into, why is it you always doubt me." He continued bicker back.

"I think you are rushing into something with such little plan." Conscious said. "Wouldn't you rather have a steady plan instead of an impulsive decision?"

"It is not impulsive if I had it already planned ahead."

"Tom, it's to soon. You tortured a man to insanity last night, going into the Ministry now will give expose you. Especially if you get caught!" She explained.

It was to soon, he knew that deep inside but he couldn't be bothered to listen. If they were caught with Crouch's key he would be thrown into Azkaban no trial needed. But he wanted the Heirlooms now, he wanted to secure himself and rise now. He was sick of waiting for everything to come to him when he knew he was more than capable of doing it.

"Tomorrow morning we leave and that's final." He snapped. "We do this tomorrow either join me or stay, I can happily find someone else who would only dream to be in your position."

"Someone else?" Conscious mocked slowly. "Someone else to replace me?"

Tom paused. He didn't mean that, he knew he wouldn't be here without her aid but he couldn't push his ego away. "You always question what I say, that's a privilege I allow you to have. If anyone else even dares counter my words their tongues would be gone."

"A privilege you allow?" Her voice colder than her blue eyes.

The room seemed to drop in temperature despite it being a hot summer day, the fire not even lite and you could feel like heat and tension only rise. She knew his sudden change was from the argument this morning. He wanted to prove himself, that he was more than just a half-blood wizard with dreams never achieved expect for this. What he had now was the first thing ever to come true to him. Conscious could read him like a book, he was scared- nervous even. He didn't want his dream to end, he wanted to only add more to it but he wasn't seeing that moving to fast could result in a downfall not a power move.

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