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The duo reappeared in front of a old classic home up on the hills just outside of Russia. It was a remote home, but not in those old creepy kind. He could tell Conscious came from luxury, seeing her home just confirmed his assumptions.

"Welcome to my home Tom." Conscious signed. Her home may seem grand but inside held more horrors than a child camp fire story.

"It's lovely." Tom commented. It was filled with black bricks along with white accents and beams for decor. "Your father doesn't reside here?"

"No, no one lived here but me now." She replied, leading the wall up to the door.

Upon entrance, the candles begun to light clearly the dark into beauty. A grand stair case lead up to the second floor, floor tiled with black and white marble, the walls shining with white accents as it rests upon the black paint colouring the walls. Plants could be seen hanging off the walls, along with many portraits to which he assumed was her family. A house elf cane running to the door, it wore a simple pink dress and a bow.

"Miss. Jones! Welcome welcome!" The elf squeaked.

"Hello Trinket. This is our guest, Tom Riddle he will be staying in my room if you do not might bringing our bags." Conscious greeted.

The elf nodded with a smile, taking the bags before bowing towards Tom. "Welcome Mr.
Riddle." Tom nodded in acknowledgment, still taking in the beauty of her home.

She turned to Tom clasping her hands. "Would you like a tour?"

"I hadn't realized you were of such wealthy." Tom stated.

Conscious let out a sign. "It's hardly wealth, once my father gained his power he became obsessed with appearance, he did all of this to hide who he once was. To be honest, I miss my old cottage. Small simple perfect- though I cannot complain much."

"He did this all?"

She nodded. "Yes a few years ago, before he abandoned it leaving it for me. My mother haunted him you see, you may see her on our tour." She motioned Tom to follow her upstairs.

"Her ghost lives here?" He asked.

"In a way, she is everywhere. I believe after she died, her old soul rested here as her new duties bloomed our Earth." Conscious explained. "Knowing my mother jumped out of a window here, it became my fathers nightmare. Something he loved to create until it destroyed his own mind."

For once, Tom wasn't sure what to say. Should he apologize? He hadn't anticipated her opening up would've been so dark. Lucky, she lead him to a room before he could respond with anything. Inside was a study, her fathers study he guessed.

"This was my fathers study." She spoke confirming his guess. It was filled with two massive cases of books along one wall, a large desk just in front of it along as a table next to a fire on the other side of the wall. A large window closed with black drapes against another side.

"Did he enjoy to collect books?" Tom asked walking towards the shelves with hundreds and hundreds of books.

"Yes, you are more than welcome to read and use his study for creating plans." Conscious nodded towards the desk. He looked at her, her loyalty and commitment to his goals and plans were exceptional. She had given him many resources he hasn't expected from her. He strode towards her, grabbing her face before capturing her lips with his.

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