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"Conscious may I speak to you in my office." Dumbledore asked as they group of Slytherins left the dinning hall. Tom had his hands intertwined with the girl.

"Why?" Conscious asked. She could feel Toms grip tighten.

"It'll only be a few moments." Dumbledore spoke again. Toms eyes narrowed.

Conscious nodded slowly, turning to Tom kissing his check before mumbling, "I'll be right back." She followed Dumbledore as the group of Slytherin boys all narrowed eyes at her back. Dumbledore opened his door to his office gesturing for her to sit as she did.

"Again professor, why do you seek me?" Conscious asked.

"You and I both know why." He replied sitting down raising his arms onto his desk. "Grindelwald."

She shifted in her seat. "I have no idea what you want."

Dumbledore looked at her. "I must fight him."

Conscious looked right back at him. "Why are you telling me?"

"I know who your father is."

Conscious clenched her jaw. "And you want my help?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I must know the future, I must know if killing him is the only way to end this war."

Conscious glances at her hands, he wanted her to look into the future. Her father had made sure Conscious was the most powerful witch possible.

"You cannot rewrite the future professor, it was fate to set you together and fate will tear it apart." Conscious replied looking up. "I will not help you anymore than I have."

Dumbledore crossed his hands above his face knowing he got the answers he deeply wished were true. "I fear Tom will become something dark, I know he had something to do with Myrtles murder."

"I will not speak of Tom, and you are in no position to tell me how to feel. You feel in love with a murderer." Conscious hissed.

Dumbledore said nothing. Conscious rose up from the seat, saying "Good luck professor." before disappearing into smoke, leaving Dumbledore to his own thoughts.

She reappeared in Toms room hoping to catch him before he dove into his school work.

Tom jumped slightly. "God, Conscious you couldn't walk through the door?"

She frowned slightly. "My apologies."

Tom signed, falling backwards to his bed cover his face. Conscious looked at him with amusement. This is the first time she's seen Tom act like a normal teenage boy. "Are you alright?"

He rose again to sit upward. "What did he want."

"Hello would be nice Tom." Conscious mumbled sitting next to Tom on his bed resting her head. "He asked me about Grindelwald."


She was hesitant to tell Tom of her ability knowing he'd use the hell out of it. "I told you, I know everything."

"What's everything?" Tom pushed.

"As in everything."

"Care to go into any less detail?" He spoke sarcastically.

Conscious laughed slightly, but Tom remained stone cold. "I cannot explain everything now Tom but I can soon."

Tom got up and walked to his desk taking off his uniform jacket, hanging it on the seat. "I don't like secrets darling."

Ironic. The man full of secrets didn't like being lied to.

Conscious eyed him. "You are one to speak."

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