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It was Hogsmead weekend again, groups of different houses walked down to the small village. The spring sun beamed down at the group of students, birds could be seen flying about, flowers and the green grass being seen at its full beauty. Conscious walked next to Tom, their hands shared as they walked alone. Avery, Abraxas and Zevi were much ahead of the couple.

"You look wonderful darling." Tom complimented her. Crimson rose on her cheeks.

They were all dressed in regular clothes, Conscious had hardly seen Tom in anything that wasn't a suit so seeing him today in simple navy jeans and a black stripped long sleeve fit him nicely. They pair almost matched as she wore a similar blouse and a black knee high skirt.

"As do you Tom." Conscious replied looking up at him. He glanced down with a smile. "Are we going anywhere specific?"

"Three Broomsticks!" Abraxas yelled.

Conscious laughed. "So you can get drunk?" The group of boys stopped and gathered with Tom and Conscious.

"It's the week before NEWTS we deserve it." Zevi stated.

"Rewarding yourself after the exams sounds more practical." Tom countered. "We have a meeting tonight as well."

"It's only one drink Tom." Abraxas whined.

Tom rolled his eyes. "If either of you come still intoxicated i won't hesitate to punish you."

Conscious nudged Tom. "They've been working hard for weeks Tom, I think we can all enjoy one night."

Tom eyed Conscious with a sly grin, the others glanced at each other worriedly. Unsure if Tom would really let them off the hook this time, he was never one for fun only power.

"I suppose this one time." Tom caved in. The boys cheered and ran down to the Three Broomsticks as Tom and Conscious trailed behind them.

"Isn't it better when you actually are nice?" Conscious teased Tom.

"I wasn't being nice, I wanted a day off." Tom retorted. Conscious grinned knowing she was right.

The group walked into the Three Broomsticks, memories of winter on their last trip. Right away the boys got their Butter Beer as Conscious got tea.

"Are you joining us Tom?" Zevi asked as he passed Tom a Butter Beer.

Tom smirked before chugging his beer. The boys cheered him on as Conscious stared at them all in amusement. Again, another time they could all be teenagers, not training to be great aside Tom and for once they all felt- happy.

"Come on Conscious you'll really like it this time." Avery laughed, clearly already feeling the effects from his drink.

Her face twisted in disgust. "I doubt it."

Tom nudged her this time. "Isn't it better when you're actually fun." Sarcasm laced his words, earning a huff from the girls lips.

"Fine." She sighed , taking one of the beers sipping at one of the extra drinks. The boys clapped after she finished her drink, she still gagged a bit from the taste not enjoying the hints of alcohol.

"Good job." Tom smiled kissing her temple. Conscious smiled just as large as Tom, having him show more affection was a pleasing shock to not only her but the fellow Slytherins. Avery whistled earning glares from the couple.

"Watch it Avery." Tom warned. Conscious laughed a bit, feeling the effects like the rest.

The boys talked about the upcoming exams along with the Quidditch games as well. Conscious laid her head in Toms lap as he combed through her hair with his fingers. She smiled to herself closing her eyes slightly.

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