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Slight use of dark magic and dark nature- warning advice ⚠️

The group all looked at each, eyes bewildered, grins on their lips. Tonight was the night, and no one was hesitant to jump. Conscious pulled out her wand, glancing at the full moon. She could sense her brothers glare from here but that didn't stop her. She looked at Tom, before pointing her wand at him flicking it, casting him in black smoke before he reappeared in all black robes, with a black silk cloak resting on his shoulders. The hood raised over his hair along with a mask of a skull now covering his face. The boys eyes widened, taking in their leaders disguise. Before they had a chance to look further each found themselves covered in smoke, reappearing in the same look at Tom.

"Perfect!" She hummed to herself, before changing herself. Matching everyone in a black cloak but her mask only on her eyes.

"You've our done yourself once again darling." Tom said, taking her hand while gripping his bone white wand in another. "Now, shall we gentlemen?"

"No killing or torturing curses on my guests." Abraxas demanded.

"Don't ruins all the fun Brax!" Zevi whined.

"He is right." Conscious agreed. "No innocent lives, defend yourself and spring your most powerful jinx's and hex's. I trained you all to show off, this is your time."

"If anyone turns up dead tonight I will assure each of you will have acid run through your veins." Tom threatened. "Our goal is to get the Head of Aurours nothing more. Agreed?"

A murmurs of 'Yes my Lord' were heard before , Tom vanished in clouds with Conscious, his shadow soaring up into the clouds, quickly the Knights followed his suit. The all were up into the air before they crashed down into the ceiling of the Malfoy Manor. Screams and cries eradicated from within, music being overturned with people aperating away. Aurors whipping out their wands- startled that what they assumed were Grindelwald men had came crashing in. Each of them landed in the centre, backs facing each other as they stood in a circle, wands pointed right back at the Aurors.

"Those are Grindelwalds men!" A cry was heard.

"Detain them now!" Another yelled. The Aurors were the first to fire a spell, almost hitting Alphard but he easily blocked, casting "Stupefy!" Soon, it was an all out war between two parties, the guest have all cleared out leaving only the Malfoys, thr Knights and Aurors left duelling.

"Expelliarmus!" Conscious shouted, sending two men flying against the wall. Tom
by her side sending wordless jinx's to the men who charged at him. The room lit up, spells flying everywhere, most of the Aurors were knocked out, leaving very few left to fight back.

"Who are you!" The head of Aurors yelled. "You are no men of Grindelwald!"

"We are better." Tom laughed beneath his mask. "Grab him!"And in a blink of an eye, Zevi and Abraxas charged grabbing him knocking him unconscious. Tom extended his hand for the boys to take before appariting back to Conscious home. Zevi tossed the unconscious man onto the floor of the study they were now in, taking off his mask.

"You were after Bartemius Crouch?" Abraxas asked, removing is mask as well.

"Yes." Tom replied, pacing around the man his lips twitched slightly. "Darling is there a place we can speak to our guest?" 

Conscious nodded, walking to her fathers desk opening the draw to grab a small knife pricking her finger before turning to the book case letting her blood drip onto a book, allowing the case to open. She turned, flicking her wand at Bartemius crouch levitating him through the revelled passage.

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