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The duo arrived to Slughorns class first and waited outside. Tom had still held her hand to keep her from shaking slightly. She released their hands and used her hands to rub her face and fix her hair a bit.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I must be a mess." She muttered combing her hair with her fingers.

He didn't understand why girls were always so concerned with their appearance. "You like fine."

She rolled her eyes slightly. "Are my eyes red?"

"No, but you look awfully tired are you sure you wouldn't rather rest?" He suggested.

She shook her head.

"If you insist." He muttered. He heard shoes coming from down the hall and Slughorn appeared to see the two waiting.

"Always early my two." He remarked with the same energy as always. Tom started to walk towards the front of the class but Conscious grabbed his arm and quickly took seats in the back.

"Tom I want to sit in the back today, I don't want him to send me to the Wing."She whispered.

Her sick appearance would definitely cause Slughorn to send her to the Hospital Wing for rest. He nodded and they moved to the back. The rest of the students poured in moments later and class soon began.

"Alright!" Slughorn exclaimed. "Today we will be conducting a potion. Now everyone go to the back and get a book before we start."

Conscious looked at Tom with a small smile, meaning he had to go get them. He rolled his eyes muttering how lazy she was, before getting the last two books on the self. Tom decided to give Conscious the newer book and giving himself the old one.

"Turn your books to page 25 and perform this potion. First group to finish first will earn their house one hundred points." Slughorn said. With that Tom turned his book to that page.

The first step was to gather the juice from a type of bean. It said to cut it open. Just like the others Tom tried but failed miserably. The beans ended up flying all over the classroom. He exhaled with frustration trying multiple times with little success. He turned to see if Conscious had the same struggle but noticed she was crushing it.

"Conscious, why are you crushing it?" Tom asked. "The book specifically says to cut the bean."

"You can't cut it, you crush it. I've done is potion many times." She said looking up. She stole his book and started to cross out cut with crush and changing everything else in the book. "There now try it my way."

With that he did. The two finished within forty minutes while everyone was barely close to done. Still beans flying around. Slughorn placed a leaf into the caldron as it disintegrated within seconds.

"Well done you two!Its perfect might I saw could kill us all." Slughorn yelled with joy. "One hundred points for Slytherin! You two are dismissed early, great job!"

She smiled at their success, packing up her stuff, Tom following her. They left to the common room seeing they still had extra time before class.

"How'd you know to change it?" He asked taking a seat on the couch.

"I've already made that before like i've said. The ways the school teach are much more complicated than how it should be." She laughed. Her i'll appearance started to fade and replace into a more following state again.

"I suppose. I thought that Mark boy would've cut his fingers off trying to cut that thing." He remarked.

"As did I." She giggled.

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