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The pair walked back up to the castle making their way to the potion room. They saw Slughorn with another student, helping a Ravenclaw prepare for their testing.

"Ah! If it isn't M'boy Tom!" Slughorn smiled. "I am guessing you aren't here for study notes! My greatest two students- dare I say greatest Hogwarts has ever seen."

Tom used every muscle in his body to not choke out him. He mustered his mask towards him. "Of course not sir, we only wish to make a calming draught. Help Ms. Jones relax before her first exam."

"Oh go right ahead my dear boy. Ms. Jones you should have no fear unlike Mr. Lovegod here!" Slughorn said, slapping his arms over the Ravenclaw boy who clearly was embarrassed by the comment.

"Being well informed still leaves nerves." Conscious replied.

"Yes yes! You two can sit over in the back and you Mr. Lovegod, lets move to my office to continue this." Slughorn and the boy left to continue their studies leaving the pair to make the potion.

"Do you know the ingredients?" Tom asked.

She nodded. "It's amazing how you haven't hexed him."

Tom raised a brow as sat at one of the tables. "And why would I do such a thing?"

Conscious laughed as she walked to pick up the ingredients. "Your eyes scream it Tom."

"Professor certain keeps an annoying close eye on me and constantly gives me headaches."

"Poor Tom Riddle having to be teachers pet." Conscious teased return with the ingredients.

"I am no such thing. Slughorn just likes to collect students as if they were rewards. Unfortunately I have been on his self since first year." Tom signed. "Would you like help with that?" Tom gestured to the potion as Conscious started to ground up some of the ingredients.

"He is more fond of you than I am."

"Unfortunately I only have the eyes for you my dear." Tom smirked.

She glanced at him with a shy smile. "How unfortunate. And I got it as well, are we studying in the library still or the common room?"

"Library." Tom said. "Are you prepared you think?"

She nodded asking him the same which he returned with a nod. She took some grounded lavender into the cauldron, being taking the crocodile heart throwing it in, turning it three times clockwise. Then adding peppermint to finish it she let it sit for a few moments.

"I must admit, I didn't expect you to be this gifted when I first saw you." Tom confessed. He watched her make this potion in minutes without even a book.

She smiled. "You took me for a daft?"

"Hardly just not as skilled as me."

"Only just as?" She glanced at him before pouring her draught into a vile.

"I am Tom The Great." He said flashing her a cocky smile. She laughed, before moving her hand to clean the mess.

"My apologies Tom The Great." She teased, even bowing down to him. "Now to the library?"

He nodded, standing from the stool extending his arm out for her to take. She grateful did as Tom apparated them to the library study section where Abraxas and Alphard were sitting.

"Merlin!" Abraxas exclaimed. "Bloody hell Riddle, a heads up would've been nice."

"Did you not ask to study?" Conscious laughed sitting across from the duo.

"I had ask to study without being scared." Abraxas grumbled.

"It is not like you were studying Malfoy, you can hardly read." Tom scolded. Alphard laughed as Abraxas cheeks burned slightly.

"Not everyone is as brilliant as you Tom." Conscious teased him.

"Yes not everyone is a book worm like you Riddle." Abraxas muttered opening his book for the first time it seemed, dusk had actually came off the pages.

"Ah that dusk seems to prove me only more correct." Tom grinned.

Alphard laughed even harder. "I wouldn't have expected you to be so cruel Tom."

"So much for best mates huh." Abraxas spat with a sly smirk on his face. He enjoyed when Tom was like his, a normal teenage boy.

"I thought I was you're best mate?" Alphard pouted.

"I thought I was first in your books." Conscious added along.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Aren't we meant to study."

"Is Tom Riddle denying his love for me?" Alphard cried dramatically, placing his hand over his heart.

"Black, study now." Tom scolded. He didn't come for jokes and this conversation was starting to annoying him, and Conscious quickly noticed. 

"Tom has a place for us all Alphard, now let's review potions first? Or transfigurations?"

Hello. This is a very short chapter and I apologize for my lack of posting but I feel as a writer and someone who has a platform I must speak on this matter. We live in a world of racism. We live in a world of the colour of your skin defines you. We live in a world were our law and government is beyond corrupt. I cannot stand to hear of another innocent black life gone. I cannot stand to see my own people getting shot, beaten, bullied or and form of cruelty anymore. If you haven't please speak their names. If you haven't please donate to Black Communities. If you haven't please sign petition. Please support the Black Community and please be kind. Black Lives Matter. George Floyd Matters. All Innocent Black Lives Matter. I send my love to the community and if anyone is struggling with the events taking place currently please feel free to contact me. I love you all and please keep their names alive. Find justice for those who were wronged.
Black Lives Matter. 🖤

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