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Saturday evening had came. It meant Conscious would start teaching the boys. They all had met in the Room of Requirements. They as in Tom, Abraxas, Zevi, Avery, Alphard and Marcus. Tom sat in the single chair in the back of the room , watching.

Conscious had lined the boys up, with Abraxas first in line.

She grinned at him. "Tonight , is the start of our weekly lessons. I will be teaching each of you the Dark Arts, beyond what Hogwarts could ever provide you. I want each of you will duel me, so I can see your strengths and weaknesses. I want each of you to attack me with your strongest idea of a spell. And please do not hesitant. Obviously the Unforgivable are off limits."

Tom watched her. She would make an amazingly gifted teacher. He could see his little minions seemed hesitant to. Clearly if any harm came to Conscious they would suffer.

"Abraxas, thought of your spell?" She asked.

He nodded. She smiled. "Good. Now raise your wand and cast it whenever you wish."

He raised his wand as she stood a few meters away from him arms crossed, her wand in her left hand.

"Confringo!" Abraxas yelled , with that a flash of light escaped his wand.

Conscious raised her hand slowing his spell from hitting her. The ball of light stopped in front of her. Abraxas jaw practically dropped along with the rest of the future death eaters.

Tom had now leaned in never seeing such thing. She had stop the spell with the raise of her hand.

She looked at the spell ball, not taking her eyes off it. "A blasting curse. Well used. Are those spells what you would use in duels?"

"H-how?" Abraxas stuttered.

"Answer the question." She continued.

He simply nodded.

She flicked her wand making his spell vanish. Returning her gaze to him. "It's a good spell to provide time for you. It is also good for a sudden attack. Well done used. Next!"

Each of the boys seemed to like using blasting spells or binding ones. Clearly she had a lot of work to do. Tom watched her as she deflected each spell without care. He'd never seen such power. He wanted such thing.

He stood and moved closer joining the group of his followers.

"Your spells used are alright. But most will be able to assume these spells, potentially block it as well. I will teach each of you the strongest, hardest and rarest forms of spells. Seeing you all share the common use of spells I can prep a book for each of you to study learn and master." She explained. She glanced to Tom.

"Is this enough for tonight?"

He nodded. "Leave now."

His followers did as he asked. The duo could hear the mutters of the boys talking about what had just happened. She eyed them as they left , leaving her and Tom.

"Was I alright?" She questioned. She never taught a person let alone multiple magic. It felt good. She felt like her mother. Teaching these boys. She wondered would her mother be proud.

"You have great power. You were captivating to watch." He returned.

She grinned , thanking him. She sat on the couch and he joined her.

"Do I need to teach you anything? Is there stuff you wish to learn?" She asked him. "How's the fire going?"

He'd nearly forgot about that. He put his hand out, focusing all his mind and magic to creating the flame within his palm. Surely enough, there it was again. She smiled at his process.

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