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Conscious awoke early, her eyes fluttering to meet Tom still fast asleep. She looked at him, his hair messily falling across his face, his arm lightly around her waist. The boy was shirtless, a blush crept onto this girls face. She looked at him; her stomach fluttered at the sight of him. She knew her feelings were strong, but she knew what Tom would become. Her goal wasn't to stop his plans but to alter how he went about it. I'd be hypercritical for her to tell him killing was awful, that becoming immortal was cruel. She had already done such sins, those who possess magic are superior to muggles but it doesn't make them better, and muggles certain shouldn't die for being different.

Her visions of what Tom became were short, but brief. He transformed into a monster in the future. His normal bright yet dark green eyes turned into piercing crimson eyes. His normal tan skin turned silky white, almost smooth and glass looking. His normal curly hair completely gone, everything about Tom had changed into a horror in the future. From that simple glance into the future she knew Tom was going to slip. His mindset will change and she had to find a way to prevent himself from becoming his worse enemy. She ran her fingers through his hair, she wouldn't allow him to lose himself to the darkness.

Tom moved closer to Conscious tighten his grip bring her towards his chest. She smiled and curled up into him as he rested his chin on top of her head. "Good morning darling."

"Good morning." She replied kissing just under his collar bone. She could feel him grin and Tom rolled on top of her.

He pressed his lips onto her cheek, than moving to her chin. She lifted her head up a bit giving him access to her neck as he moved down lower. He bit her neck causing a gasp to escapee. He grinned against her skin looking up meeting her closed eyes. He moved back up kissing her gently, moving his hands up from her waist to her cheek. Her hands explored his bare chest before wrapping them around his shoulders pulling his body closer, making sure no space was left between them.

He pulled back with a smug grin. "It certain is a good morning." Conscious smiled shaking her head.

"Did you sleep alright?" She asked. He nodded resting his head on her chest as she played with his hair.

"School is almost over." Tom said. "I refuse to return to the Orphanage."

"Where would you go?" Conscious asked. School was nearing to end soon and Conscious wasn't sure what she would be doing herself. She could return home or she could follow Tom.

"I am going to ask to return to teach here. I am more than capable and i'm the greatest student Hogwarts has ever seen."

"I admire how highly you present yourself." Conscious laughed. Tom rolled his eyes, moving to look up at her. "But you are definitely capable of it."

"Will you be returning home?" Tom asked. He knew her mother had passed and her father was well, he wasn't quite sure. He wasn't even sure where her home resided in.

"I'm not sure." She spoke honestly. "Home is lonely, without mum there it's empty, cold."

"What are your plans then?"

"My plans were to stay with you by your side." She whispered.

Tom cupped her cheeks kissing her again with a smile. "You mean it?"

She returned the smile. "I do."

"I've called for a meeting tonight to decide what shall come for this summer."

"Have you already had plans?" Conscious asked.

"Well again, returning to the orphanage isn't in my plan. Malfoy and Avery both offered for me to reside with them over the summer. We have plans to travel Europe in search of some artifacts as well as new recruits." He explained.

"Won't travel be difficult with Grindlewald on the move?"

Toms lips thinned. "Potential, though we'll discuss more tonight."

She nodded. "If you'd like, I could open my home for you."

He tilted his head. "Really?"

"I do not use it and if I am to return back home I want you to come with me. It'll be less suspicious having meetings there anyways."

Tom grinned, bring her closer to him embracing her into a tight hug. Conscious laughed; "Tom to tight!"

He pulled away and kissed her again. "I've never imagined my plans working so well in my favour. Everything I need I seem to be getting."

"You're Tom Riddle. You get everything you desire." She teased him. Though his smile visibly dropped.

"I hate that name, Tom Marvell Riddle." He spoke with utter disgust. "I plan on ridding my filth fathers name."

Conscious frowned slightly. "But I love the name Tom."

He scuffed getting out of bed. "It's a common name and no power to it. No meaning aside from filth to me."

He could feel his anger boiling at the thought of his name and his origins. He couldn't believe he came from such pathetic line. An untalented muggle loving witch of a mother, a filthy muggle father, a drunk of a uncle and a egotistic grandfather. How pathetic his blood line was and he had ever intention of making sure he became the great of not only his family but of those around him.

Conscious sat up, watching as Tom walked over to his desk pulling out a small silver box. "Did you ever come up with a new name?"

He nodded turning to her with a cigarette in his hand, creating a small fire in his hands lighting the stick.

She raised a brow. "A smoker are we now?"

This was new, she had only seen Tom drink a small bit of fire whiskey but never took him as a smoker.

He brought the cigarette to his mouth, inhaling the smoke before releasing it from his nostrils. "Malfoy suggested it."

"Did you only just start?" She asked.

He nodded again. "Do you care?"

"No, why did Abraxas suggest you start smoking?"

"Stress. He said could help take my mind off of things that anger or upset me." Tom shrugged walking over to his window opening it.

"Has it helped?" She asked again watching as the small orange smoke light his face when he inhaled.

He shrugged again, sitting along the window edge. "I suppose, helps relax me."

Conscious brought the blanket up higher feeling the morning air, the sun hadn't even risen yet, she looked at the clock it was half past five. A small yawn escaped.

"Tired?" Tom asked, drawing more smoke letting the nicotine hit the back of his throat before exhaling.

"I hadn't realized how early it was."

"Sleep then. I'll join you in a bit, I have my essay to finish." He said before tossing his bud out his window, walking over to her, sitting next to her laying body.

"Sleep with me." She yawned again.

"I will soon darling. Rest." He smiled running his hands through her hair. She nodded closing her eyes.

"If I awake and you are still working i'll be upset."

He laughed a bit. "I'll be right next to you darling."

She smiled, as he bent down and kissed her forehead moving to his desk taking a seat. He took another cigarette out, lighting it again along with the candles. He glanced behind him to see she was sleeping, before taking out his diary letting the ink become visible. He grinned looking at the paper, leaning back in his chair taking a hit of his newly light cigarette.

Tom Marvolo Riddle
I am Lord Voldemort

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