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Tom had awoke in pain. Absolute pain. He knew the penalty of splitting his soul, but it was more painful than the first time. He raised slowly- hissing. Everything ached. He slowly got up and ready for the first day back after the new year. He opened his door hearing a knock. He saw Abraxas leaning against the doorframe.

"Good morning." He said waltzing in. Tom closed the door and sat at his desk pain all over his face.

"Why are you here?" His voice laced with weakness. He cringed at his fragile state.

Abraxas sat on his bed. "May I speak as a friend?"

Tom nodded slightly.

Abraxas was the first person he had met in his first year. He was the only thing he could refer to as family.

"Wasn't one enough? I support your views yes, but look at yourself. What if making more lead you to your death?"Concern all over his face. He cared for Tom. He was his best mate.

"Are you suggesting i'm not strong enough for this?" Tom hissed.

"I'm suggesting this out of concern. I have no doubts about you Tom. But i worry continuing to make these Horcruxes will have a bad effect in the future. That's all." He replied standing up.

"It's not needed."

He put his hands up in defence. "As you wish My lord, Conscious is waiting down in the common room. She's very concerned from last night. She's good for you and quite beautiful."

"Leave." Tom hissed, pain suddenly released with jealousy.

Abraxas was taken back but the young dark lords sudden mood change. "My l-."

Tom moved quick like a snake pressing Abraxas back against the wall, his robes in the fist of Tom.

"She is mine. She belongs to only me, say yet another thing about her and i will make sure you have nothing to say at all." He hissed, his now scarlet eyes piercing Abraxas deep blue ones covered in shock.

"Yes My Lord, Im sorry to have offended you."

Pleased, he released Abraxas as if he hasn't just threatened one of his closet friend.

"Where is she?"

"Awaiting you downstairs my lord." He muttered.

He made his way down the hall as he saw Conscious awaiting for him alone. She jumped to her feet and hugged him.

He flinched in pain and slowly moved his arms around her small frame.

"I was so worried. Are you alright?" Concern writing all over her face. He pulled back.

"I'm fine love" He grabbed her face, placing a kiss upon her lips.

Abraxas stood at the bottom of the stairs awkwardly. He hadn't seen Tom and Conscious be public about their relationship before and he wasn't sure if he should've left or stayed.

"Let's eat." She said pulling back. He nodded and moved his hand calling Abraxas to follow -which he did. The trio walked into the great hall and seated themselves as they ate.

Tom dove right into eating, drawing attention to Conscious as she was confused at his behaviour.

"Tom, you'll make things to obviously." She whispered.

He rolled his eyes. "I am a growing boy, it is rather typical for boys to eat a fair bit."

She glared. "Still."

He huffed. "Stop worrying, I'm fine."

She held back any comments knowing he was in a fragile state and didn't want to start any sort of disagreement and have him hex someone.

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