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I apologize for such a huge time jump, i want to get to the plot aha
December 20 1945

It was almost Christmas time and most of the students were leaving for their break, both Tom and Conscious were giving permission to stay at the castle since they had no home to return to. Both looked forward to the time alone they would receive. Over the months they had grown closer, of course no one could tell since they hid it well, but when no one was looking you could see the young love bubbling between them.

Conscious had started to teach Tom the basics of Dark Magic slowly helping him learn, it was a lot harder than he had thought. But Tom was extremely bright and was able to learn rather quick.

Conscious was laying on his bed as Tom sat at his desk, he was reading one of her books about Immortality.

"Conscious, how did you become immortal?" Tom asked. Conscious had revealed to Tom during on of their Dark Arts session that she gained immortality. And he had plenty of questions to ask her about it.

"I stole a heart from a little girl many many many years ago, her heart was one of the only purest hearts during the time. and I ripped it out and placed her heart into mine, I took her purity and now i'm here." She explained sitting up on her stomach.

"You killed her yes?"

She nodded. "You always kill another for your life in all forms of Immortality. No matter what."

"I've made one Horcrux already. But I want more." He started. "Six more to be exact."

She looked at him with eyes wide. "Tom taking seven lives isn't easy, it's bad enough to cheat death and serve the life penalty for it but having seven sins will have a large consequence."

"Like what?" He asked. He hadn't read much about the consequences he could get. He was more taken with the benefits than anything.

"You break nature's law, and in doing so you pay the price of the devil, like Adam and Eve they disobeyed God and the punished them and you will be punished with the form of the Snake. You'll lose you're hair, face, body, nose especially and you're wand will shed. Plus Horcrux are far to easy to be destroyed ." She explained.

"You believe in the bible? You do know it's not real. Besides, how can they be destroyed? It never said anything like that in the books." He pushed more questions.

"Well it depends for example something is laced with and put it into the object of the Horcrux it will be destroyed. It is you're soul and you've killed part of that soul with poison. But to be fair you rarely hear of them being destroyed but it is easy to if the wrong people find." Conscious explained. "And no I don't believe in God but the whole breaking Gods rule does stand. You can't cheat death and no expect it to bite you in the ass later."

He thought about it. The consequences were much larger than he anticipated. But it didn't stop him.

"I still want to go through with it." He stated closing the book and placing it on his night stand. He moved to the end of the bed and stood , reaching his hand out for her to take it.

"I want to show you something." He said as she placed her hand into his. He lead her to the girls washroom that wasn't in use. She gave him a puzzled looked.

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