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Her first choice as to where the heir was, was correct. He was pacing the unused girls lavatory, he's face was written with distress.

She coughed slightly to get his attention. He looked up. "What is it Conscious?"

"Tom, you don't need to stress and threaten them, none of us would say anything - especially to Dumbledore." She said moving closer to him. He stopped pacing when she moved towards him. He studied her.

"I am not letting that old man ruin what i've started." He stated.

"I know." She said softly taking his hands.

He stiffened at the touch. He knew what his emotions could do to him. He's insides were practically gagging, his head buzzing. He was already stressed and now this. His damn emotions playing with him as well.

He matched her eye gaze looking at her. They stayed like this. She could read he's eyes, he was clearly stressed, frustrated.

"Tom, you need to trust us a bit." She said.

He narrowed his eyes. "I need to ensure you all are loyal."

"That needs trust." She countered.

He surveyed her. "Why are you here." He was changing the subject.

"Your temper."

"I do not have a temper." He shot back.

She raised a brow- seeing as he proved her point.

"We were just worried Tom. Your emotions are switching constantly."

"I'm fine." He stated, moving towards the sink. He wished to open the chamber again, but it was to risky. He's sleeved were rolled slightly, showing skin peeling as he looked down.

She watched him and tried to follow his gaze but could not see.

"I want you to teach the boys occlumency. Dumbledore will become more suspicious and I need them to be able to block him out."

She shifted. "It's not easy Tom, it will take a lot of time. Not something that can be learned in a few days. It will take weeks potentially months, there's not much point teaching them."

"We start tonight, I have belief we can teach them in a short period of time." He ignored her once again. Now she was getting frustrated.

"If you insist."

He nodded.

Silence over came again. It was certainly uncomfortable. She twiddled her thumbs not sure if she should leave.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Mentally I mean , any side effects."

He glanced at his wrists. "No. I'm fine."


She narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure."


She exhaled. He truly was stubborn. "I'll see you in classes then?" Wishing to end this conversation.

He turned and leaned his back against the sink, feeling the cold stone hit his back. He held his gaze matching her eyes. He said nothing before walking past her.

She stood there for a few moments, letting out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding.

"Coming darling?" She heard him call. She soon followed him out, finishing the rest of the school day.

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