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Class ended with no problems as they two students had no trouble re gaining what they missed. Which to be truthful - wasn't all the much. With dinner here , the morning group sat once again in the place, Conscious next to Tom on his left, Avery on his right and across Abraxas, Alphard and Zevi.

Conscious laid her head on Toms shoulder, yawning. He glanced at her as did the boys.

"Tired already?" Zevi questioned. It was only six in the evening.

She nodded closing her eyes.

"Even though you skipped first?" Abraxas taunted amusingly.

She waved her hand. "I did not skip, more so late than anything."

"Eat before you sleep." Tom reminded her.

She rose slightly looking at her plate- rather not interested in it, wrinkling her nose. "I'll pass."

"You wonder why your always tired, you never eat." Avery said, stuffing his face.

She cringed. "I'm not someone who needs to eat."

She was right. She was immortal, what would happen. She would starve to death? Ha. As if that was an option.

"Still, eat." Tom said - as if he had read her mind. She looked up at him before slowly picking at her plate.

"Dumbledore gave the most awful speech about after our years at Hogwarts. Do you know what you want to be?" Abraxas said , changing the subject.

"Something in the ministry would be ideal, follow family." Avery said. Abraxas nodded in agreement.

"Teaching perhaps." Conscious said. "Or traveling and teaching would be lovely."

"Teaching DADA." Tom said.

"As a side job?" Zevi joked. Tom looked up shooting him a disapproving look. Zevi sank into his seat , muttering a 'sorry'.

Conscious nudged Tom slightly causing him to look down at her. She rolled her eyes before standing. "I'm going for another walk."

"Again?" Tom asked. She nodded.

"Avoiding another class?" Abraxas teased her.

She looked blankly at him. "Did you really think your funny?"

He stopped laughing. "I try."

Tom rose to and Conscious put a hand on his chest. "I meant alone this time Tom."

He arched a brow. "And since when did you start giving out orders."

She rolled her eyes. "As much as I love spending time with you Tom, I would like only a few hours of time for myself." She pushed him down slightly to sit back down, but he refused grabbing her wrists slightly.

"Your hiding something." He stated. It wasn't even a question.

She looked back at him with a blank expression. "I'm going for a walk Tom."

"And why is it I can't go?" He returned. Abraxas glanced over at Zevi who sat there glancing right back. This definitely wasn't going to end well.

"It's a walk Tom, I shouldn't need to ask you to , nor do I need a babysitter. Now please let go." She narrowed her eyes, trying to prey his arm off.

"Such attitude." He tisked, tightening his grip. She wanted to whine out of annoyance, she only wanted to walk.

"Fine, come on let's go then." She gave in not wishing to start a fight. He smiled, pleased as they left the great hall. She folded her arms walking a bit faster than Tom.

"In a rush?" He noted.

She nodded. "Yes, now if you insist on constantly following me do it quicker."

He did as she said and picked up the pace, curious as to why she was in a rush. She marched straight up to the Astronomy Tower , Tom right by her side.

"I thought you said walk?" Tom asked as he watched her walk straight to the edge. It made a pit in his stomach , seeing as he wasn't one for heights compared to her eagerness.

"We did, we walked from the Great Hall to here." She remarked turning to face him, leaning against the bar.

"And why is it you want to be here?" He questioned not moving from the doorway that lead to the little balcony.

"The sunset." She replied as if it wasn't obvious.

"You've become very .. close to nature today." He noted again.

She raised a brow. "Sorry?"

He kept a blank face. "Why?"

"I've always been fond of it, especially this time." She turned and leaned her elbows to see the yellow sun fade into the pink clouds, with a small chill of night air clawing throughout from the dark. He looked over a bit to see the view she had her eyes set on, still not moving which she noticed.

"Afraid of heights?" She commented.

He glanced at her. "I just wish to not place my life in something else."

She smirked before lifting herself into a handstand on the bares, he nearly had a stroke.

"What in Salazar are you doing!" Tom exclaimed. He wouldn't say he feared heights, it just brought back the past he worked to hard to blur.

He notice the moon flash a vivid blue colour in the sky, automatically looking up. Seeing as it when back to white.

Conscious swung around back to her feet looking up at the moon as well, rolling her eyes at her brother.

She turned to Tom, he was standing still.

"Oh relax Tom, I can't die." She stated with a 'duh' tone.


She glanced up slightly at the sky, continuing to ignore the elder, before returning to Tom. "Are you really afraid of heights?"

"No." He snapped. "Like I said before.. I don't trust anything else with my life."

She hummed. "Do you trust me with it?"

"Should I?" He counted.

"That Tom, is all up to you."


BUT I have made another Tom Riddle fanfic... it will be NO SLASH it's just his life after hogwarts and working at Mr burke's shop and more :) Be amazing if you lovely's could check it now it !!

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