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Screaming. All the halls echoed with screaming and the sounds of hex's being thrown everywhere. Conscious snapped her attention up from the papers her and Abraxas were reading on the current whereabouts of Grindelwald. Her gaze looked right back at the blonde in front of her. Abraxas froze, giving her a small sympathetic smile.

"This was what Tom was hiding wasn't it?" Conscious said through her gritted there.

"I have no idea what your talking about." He replied. "Let's grab these papers and leave back to the house it could be Grindelwald's me-"

"You have an awful habit of lying Brax." She cut him off, grabbing her wand from her leg holster.

He didn't say anything, grabbing the files as well as his wand. "Do not interfere please, he'll punish me if I let you out of my sight."

Another loud bang could be heard from below, even seven floors high you could hear the chaos down below. Everyone from the Auror department had cleared out leaving the duo, sirens were echoing to show the Ministry was indeed under attack.

"What was his plan, tell me now Abraxas." Conscious demanded, her wand now at his throughout. "I can guarantee you, whatever punish Tom serves you would be a bless compared to the unholy hell I will cause inside your mind."

Abraxas swore he felt his heart genuinely stop right then and there, if it was even possible for the pale colour of his skin to sink into an even whiter complex. Fear covered his entire face, Tom's punishment were something but he knew Conscious could easily triple the pain.

"I-i can't let you go and stop him." Abraxas stuttered out.

"I won't repeat myself nor do I wish to cause harm on you Brax. What is he planing." She repeated, eyes gone from a sea of blue to a sea of blood. Her tip of her wand digger into this throat more and more.

"He ordered us to destroy parts of the Minsty, for reason I'm unaware but he had more recruits join for this. I am aware he ordered no casualties, only to bring fear to the name Lord Voldemort." Abraxas confessed. "I am meant to protect you incase anything goes wrong or you decide to stop this I will have to intervene."

Her eyes harden more, ripping away her wand from his neck before grabbing the files shoving them into a box before flicking her wand away, the box now gone back to the manor. She took long powerful strides out the door heading out to the hall, Abraxas quickly on her heels.

"Conscious I can't let you interfere with him."

She ignored him, turning to face him with a devilish grin. "Oh Brax, no one tells me what to do. Bessie the real fun hasn't begun yet."

"A-are you planning to help him?" He questioned.

"I'm going to kill him."

Abraxas paled, oh merlins beard he was going to be in so much trouble. He had two options, allow Conscious to leave his side and face Tom's wrath, or try to stop her facing her wrath. He couldn't decide which was worse at this point. Abraxas drew his wand casting 'Stupefy!' to where she simply deflected it, throwing it back but surprising Abraxas copied her actions stopping the charm.

"Using my spells I taught you against me?" Conscious tutted. "I'm rather proud of how far my training has come with you. I don't wish to fight you Brax."

"And I don't wish to be murdered by Tom." Abraxas snapped right back, wands still pointing at one an other. She simply blinked at him, before apparating away.

Abraxas cursed to himself before changing his attire to match the others who fought down below, apparating to the main ground in hopes of finding Conscious. He looked around, unconscious bodies splattered around him. He took a few moments to glance around, his heart sank. Body could be seen dripping from some of the workers, though no Knights seemed to be down. He hadn't realized just how many Knights and other members where fighting in front of him. He had only thought a small group extra like Tom had told them but clearly he had other motives.

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