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Tom sank deeper into the chair in the common room. It was four in the morning and he was tempted to raise his knees up to feel more comfortable. He had no idea why he was even up at this hour. He exhaled deeply. He was stressed. Perhaps this was keeping him up. He felt like his mind was being torn into pieces, he never anticipated for the price of horcruxes to be this hard. Ever since the second one he's head felt like it was on fire every second.

He felt the need to hear the screams of others to fill the room, to see them beg for their lives. To torture the souls of people who crossed him, he wanted to make more, he could feel his magic darken. Becoming stronger.

But his emotions contradicted this. He was still human, far to human then he cared to admit. Not that he took care for his 'friends' as he only seen them as his followers, aside from Abraxas.  

But it was Conscious.

He cared for her in ways he didn't understand. He liked the idea of someone seeing as Tom Riddle, not 'My Lord' or such thing. That someone still saw him as a person. No one really looked at him like that or hell even thought of him as that. He knew his followers feared him, he knew the students of Hogwarts didn't believe he was nicest of them all. Being a Slytherin and all. The teachers only saw him as someone with high grades- aside from the old man. Albus Dumbledore. He always kept an annoyingly close watch on Tom. After the Chamber of Secrets being opened. But that old man wouldn't get in his way. He never had the balls to interfere with Tom.

He pushed himself to sit properly, exhaling loudly out of frustration. He was thinking to much, giving him more reasons to have headaches. It felt like the more he thought of others the more pain he felt. Perhaps this is why he begun to lash out more, trying to stop the pain as he felt nothing when hurting others. Not a single sign of guilt, remorse, sadness. Nothing at all when he knew he was inflicting some sort of pain on someone.

He shock his head. He needed to sleep this off. He moved to his room, looking up into nothing hoping for darkness to take over him to finally get some sort of rest.


"Ah! Conscious my dear girl, Dumbledore wishes for you in his office now." Slughorn stopped her before she entered his class. She saw Tom glance back glaring. She nodded before turning around going to Dumbledores office. What had he wanted with her? It's not like she's done any harm. Nor was he her teacher. Odd.

She knocked on the door and it opened right away with him greeting her. "Welcome welcome- lemon drop?"

She shock her head no. "No thank you sir. Have I done something wrong?" She watched at he moved to his desk as she stood at the door.

"Do you think you have?" He countered. "And please sit Ms. Jones."

She was hesitant. And he noticed.

"I just have a few questions about Tom."

She surveyed him before slowing moving to sit at his desk.

"What of Tom."

"It seems you to have become.. rather close."

Oh great. Rumours have already spread to teachers of their possible relationships.

"Sir Tom and I are not in a relationship." She stated. "Even if we were I don't see as to why you need me here. In all honesty sir i'm in none of you classes to begin with. And if i'm in no trouble i'd like to return to class."

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