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A week passed of the couple enjoying their summer together in her home, she had shown Tom the near by village. Giving her some rekindled memories of her childhood, they rode horses, swam in the nearby lakes even having daily picnics. In all honesty everything felt normal, two young adults pursuing a relationship, not scheming about what the world should be. Ways to become the greatest anyone would see, out doing Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Today was the day of the Malfoy Manor Ball, Tom already dressed in black slick dress robes, he fixed his cuffs walking back into Conscious room seeing Trinket tightening her corset.

"Careful Trinket!" Conscious exclaimed.

"Trinket very sorry Miss. Jones." The elf apologized.

"Would you like some help?" Tom asked. She turned towards Tom, colour rising in her cheeks not only for his appearance but she was standing in a mere corset and stockings.

"Would you mind?"

He eyed her, lust darkening his eyes. "Not at all darling."

"Shoo Trinket, prepare the floo." Conscious commanded, to which the elf scurried away, Tom walking over taking her place. He wrapped his hands around some of the lace at the back, pulling it slightly earning a sharp inhale.

"Is this to tight?" Tom asked, looking through their reflection worried he had hurt he.

"It's perfect." She smiled through the mirror.

He smiled back, before glancing down again. "I just tie it?"

She laughed a bit nodding. "A simple bow is perfect."

He nodded, tying a the lace together before letting his hands trail down her hips, turning her so she was looking at him. Her makeup slightly done, black surrounding her eyes making the blue stand out like deep waves in the ocean. Her lips shined with the candles around the room.

"Careful, you might fall in love with me with such intense starring." She mocked.

He simply grinned, kissing her lightly. "You speak as if it is a bad thing. If I recall Ms. Jones, you already claimed I loved you."

She flushed red slightly. "Well you do no hate me, so you must have strong feelings no?"

He squeezed her sides lightly, not responding. He knew he had feelings but it wasn't love- it would be impossible. He felt a joy around Conscious but could not bring himself to feel more, he had no hate but he had no love either. And he wasn't even sure if he had wanted to feel this, love was a weakness. He was fearless and no one without fear is a man who walks with no heart. He couldn't give her his heart, not even on the grounds of being conceived off of false love but he was in no position to have a weakness. He needed power he wanted it and Conscious because something that would be used against him in the future he couldn't allow.

"Darling, I cannot love you." He whispered.

"You can Tom, and you will one day." She returned with a smile, squeezing his upper arms before turning away.

She walked to her dress waving her hands, engulfing her in black smoke for a moment, before the air clearing revealing herself. She stood in an off the shoulder black gown, snug onto her body, before flowing every so slightly at the ends. She wore the red ruby necklace Tom had given her for Christmas, causing him to smile even deeper.

"You look stunning." He complimented her, walking over to her again, holding her close.

"As do you." She returned, taking his hand. "Now we must head on, shall we?"

Tom nodded allowing her to lead the way. "I've never used a floo before." He admitted.

She glanced at him. "It's rather simple, take the power through it into the fire stating where you'd like to go. Abraxas said on his owl say 'Entrance Malfoy Manor'."

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