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wow 😳

ty for all the love i would've never imagined myself with this many comments and votes everyday- ok i shoo enjoy <3

The portkey had dropped the two off in a small forest near Diagon Alley. The sky was still pitch black, she assumed it was still late at night. The unconscious man laid on the floor next to some garage bins, it seemed like a fitting place to leave him. With his memory erased and all traces of Tom's magic gone she knew they wouldn't be suspected, but she wondered if she should leave something that would give the Ministry something else to fear.  A symbol that could relate to Tom in the near future. Pondering this she left it, Tom would make his name known by the public by his own ways she wouldn't strip him of that pleasure.

Conscious left the man without guilt or anything, though she was surprised at Tom's actions. The cruciatus curse was one of the unforgivable curses, not many wizards dared to use it. But Tom used it without a care in the world and that scared her almost. To see his eyes enjoying every scream, cry and plea. It was a side she hadn't seen from him and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

Walking down the near empty alley she went to a Inn, The Leaky Cauldron. Walking in she saw a few wizards drinking and chatting amongst each other. It definitely wasn't a fancy Inn or bar but that didn't matter. She definitely needed a drink before returning her. She sat down near the end as the bartender walked over to girl.

"A bit overdressed for a place like this eh?" The tender snickered.  She glanced down forgetting she was still in her dress from the Malfoy party.

"I like to dress up." She shrugged.

"Well what can I get for you Ms. dress up?"

Her lips twitched slightly, "Fire whiskey please."

He nodded waving his hand and a glass appeared. She picked it up tipping the glass towards the tender before downing it quickly, ignoring the burning taste.

"Two more please." Conscious said. The bartender quickly obeyed her requested.

What a god damn night, she hadn't expected this. She hadn't expected Tom to turn into that tonight, he was losing himself. She was no saint but she knew her limits and she could see the rage and power that feasted in his eyes. He was moving to quick, Grindelwald was still at large. Tom would lose if he tried to build his small army now, he had to wait longer until Albus finished off Gellert, she already could foreshadow the future. Meddling time would cause a havoc, she needed to push Albus to fight him sooner than later before Tom's power grew far beyond what anyone could imagine. She refused to look into Tom's future, but she could sense it was going to be large.

A tug at her risk shock her thoughts, the snack marked by Tom hissed at her, summoning her to her home- but instead she called another drink ignoring him. She needed to speak to her brother and to be frank, she wanted to drink in peace. Alcohol never pleasured her, but tonight was different. That burning down her throat through her system to her liver felt good. She could see why Zevi drank so much, the temporary fix filled something she didn't know she needed filled.

A person sat beside her, ordering a fire whiskey for the two of them. The smooth in Tom's voice almost numbed her, but didn't shock to see him here. His voice silky as if he hadn't tortured a man to insanity.

"You ignored me." Tom frowned, as the bartender left two glasses, adding onto Conscious four stack already.

She glanced at him, before taking her glass raising it up for him to meet hers. "Congratulations Tom, you found me." Her old habits of sacraments comments seemed to follow her tipsy state something he actually forgot she did.

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